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2021-02-09 11:55:02



Good Manners and Bad Manners

Every society encourages good manners but opposes bad manners. People with good manners enjoy many supports while those with bad manners suffer a lot.

Everyone likes a person with good manners. A person with good manners will be welcomed everywhere. In public places, such as in shops, a salesman with good manners will probably make a good sale. A teacher will do his or her job smoothly and happily in the class where the students have good manners. If you ask for a help, you should be careful of your manners. Almost everyone likes to serve the person with good manners.

On the contrary, no one likes a person with bad manners. A person with bad manners will be refused everywhere. We dislike those who spit at random, who speak aloud in the library, and who smoke with a lady aside. They are all bad manners which are impolite to others. Those with bad manners may be considered as lacking in knowledge and self cultivation. People even do not want to talk with them. There is no doubt that nobody would like to serve or help a man with bad manners.

Then, what should we do in our daily life? We should be careful of what we say and what we do. Good manners mean that you show your respect to others. If you respect others, other people will respect you in the same way. You will have less trouble in your everyday life.








Good Manners and Bad Manners

Every society encourages good manners but opposes bad manners. People with good manners enjoy many supports while those with bad manners suffer a lot.

Everyone likes a person with good manners. A person with good manners will be welcomed everywhere. In public places, such as in shops, a salesman with good manners will probably make a good sale. A teacher will do his or her job smoothly and happily in the class where the students have good manners. If you ask for a help, you should be careful of your manners. Almost everyone likes to serve the person with good manners.

On the contrary, no one likes a person with bad manners. A person with bad manners will be refused everywhere. We dislike those who spit at random, who speak aloud in the library, and who smoke with a lady aside. They are all bad manners which are impolite to others. Those with bad manners may be considered as lacking in knowledge and self cultivation. People even do not want to talk with them. There is no doubt that nobody would like to serve or help a man with bad manners.

Then, what should we do in our daily life? We should be careful of what we say and what we do. Good manners mean that you show your respect to others. If you respect others, other people will respect you in the same way. You will have less trouble in your everyday life.








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