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2021-02-23 04:20:01



Novel coronavirus struck me this evening, and I was watching the news.


When I saw this line, I was shocked, and my heart was suspended. I found my mother in a panic and asked nervously, "Mom, how are we going to get the new coronary pneumonia? How can we prevent it? " My mother said patiently, "don"t worry, as long as we stay indoors, wash our hands, ventilate and wear masks." After listening to my mother"s answer, I put down a little. I hurried to ask my mother to buy a mask. There are three pharmacies downstairs. My mother and I didn"t have two. We didn"t see the mask until we got to the third one. However, there is only a little left. My mother and I bought the remaining bags quickly.


In the evening, my father and my sister came back. They were carrying four bags in their hands, and there were eight bags altogether! There are only four bags with delicious food in them, and the other four bags contain: masks, cold medicine, disinfectant, etc. From today on, we have lived a life of staying indoors.


Although the new virus is coming, I believe that scientists and doctors can develop antibodies to the virus.


Come on, Wuhan! Go China! Come on the world! Hope our future life will be better and better! I wish you all a happy and peaceful year of the rat!



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