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2021-05-16 13:40:02



( )1. A. lantern B. late

( )2. A. dancing B. playing

( )3. A. sound B. look

( )4. A. this B. these

( )5. A. flag B. fly

( )6. A. race B. face

( )7. A. milk B. meal

( )8. A. book shop B. moon cake

( )9. A. hobby B. how

( )10. A. miss B. meet


( )11. A. It’s a picture of the Great Wall. B. It’s a photo of the West Lake.

( )12.A. Here is a flag of America. B. Here is a flag of China.

( )13.A.Thanksgiving Day is my favourite festival.

B. Christmas is my favourite festival.

( )14.A.These postcards are great. B. These letters are nice.

( )15.A. It’s in the east. B. It’s in the west.

( )16.A.Do you collect stamps? B. Do you like stamps?

( )17.A. Those are famous men and women.

B. They are famous men and women.

( )18.A.We are flying the kites in the park.

B. We are playing football in the park.

( )19.A. I want to visit the US. B. I want to visit China.

( )20.A. What do you do? B. What does she do?


( )21. A. Yes . they are. B. Yes. it is.

( )22. A. I like it. B. I am sending an email.

( )23. A. Yes . she is. B. No. I haven’t.

( )24. A. Yes . I am B.OK.

( )25.A. Yes. she does. B. No. I don’t.

第二部分 笔试(共 六大题,满分70分)


( )26. a kite A. B

( )27.toy dolls A. B.

( )28.a stamp of China A. B.

( )29.do dragon dances A. B.

( )30. restaurant A. B.

( )31. A. the Huangshan Moutain B. Huangshan

( )32. A. eat zongzi B. see the dragon boat race

( )33. A. sing songs B. dance

( )34. A. write a letter B. send an email

( )35. A. a map of the Great Wall B. a picture of the Great Wall


( )36. These postcards great!

A. am B. is C. are

( )37. Tell me more the Great Wall .

A. of B. about C. to

( )38. New York is the east America.

A. on, of B. in, in C. in, of

( )39.Let’s toChinatown now.

A. go B. to go C. goes

( )40. is my hobby.

A. Collect stamps B. Collecting stamps C. Collect stamps

( )41. -----Have you got any American stamps? ----- .

A. Yes. I haven’t. B. No. I have. C. Yes .I have.

( )42.What do you do Flag Day?.

A. at B. on C. in

( )43. We say“thank you ” my food.

A. for B. of C. to

( )44. That nice !

A. sound B. sounds C. sounding

( )45. Where you from?

A. am B. do C. are

( )46. Where is New York?

( )47. Do you miss your China?

( )48. Have you got any stamps from Canada?

( )49. What are you doing?

( )50.How long is it?

A. It’s here . in the east.

B. It’s about nine thousand kilometers.

C. No ,I haven’t.

D. Sometimes.

E. I’m sending an email to my family in China.


51. h b y (业余爱好)

52.r e(比赛)

53. s p i a l (特殊的.)

54. a e r (在……之后)

55.h g(悬挂,吊)


has restaurants is wants thousands

56. There __________ some water in the bottle .

57. The small street is two ___________ kilometers long.

58 .Simon really __________ to go to China.

59. There are lots of Chinese shops and ____________ there.

60. Yangyang ___________ got a new bike.


Aunt Mary’s birthday is coming. She will be 42 years old. Dad and Mum are going to take me to her house. We are going to there by train . We are leaving on Friday evening .And we are coming back on Sunday afternoon. The birthday party will be on Saturday . I am going to give my dear Aunt Mary a birthday card. I’m making now. I am using my colour pencils to draw some flowers on the card. I’m going to draw Aunt Mary’s small cat on it, too. Because she likes cats. The card will be very nice .Dad says his sister will like it very much.

( )61. Aunt Mary is nearly years old now.

A.42 B. 40 C. 41

( )62. We are going to go there on .

A. Monday B. Friday C. Sunday

( )63.When is Aunt Mary’s birthday?

A. Friday B. Sunday C. Saturday

( )64. How are we going to go there?

A. By bus . B. By bike. C . By train.

( )65. It will be a trip(旅行).

A. one--day B. two--day C. one--week



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