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2021-07-23 14:40:04





(1) bag big a big apple (2) cap _____ ______________

(3) set ___ ___________ (4) now _____ ______________

(5) book _____ ___________ (6) hat _____ ______________

(7) same _____ ___________ (8) shirt _____ ______________

(9) nice _____ ___________ (10) here _____ ______________


(1) 6:50 ___________________ (2) 老师的`房间 __________________

(3) 看起来像 _______________ (4) a quarter to seven __________

(5) 放风筝 _________________ (6) 踢足球 ______________________

(7) a basket of eggs ______________


( ) 1. Here are some flowers _______ our best wishes.

A. to B. with C. for D. of

( ) 2. -- Where is _______?

-- September the tenth.

A. Teacher's Day B. The Teacher' Day

C. The Teacher's Day D. Teacher's Day

( ) 3. This is Susan King. We usually call her ______.

A. Miss Susan B. Mrs Susan

C. Miss King D. Mr Susan

( ) 4. -- ________ are you going there?

-- On foot.

A. Where B. Why C. How D. What

( ) 5. What are you going to do _______ this afternoon?

A. in B. on C. / D. at

( ) 6. I'm going to _______ Uncle Wang ________ Tuesday.

A. look at; / B. see; / C. see; on D. watch; on

( ) 7. She can't ride a bike. She ______ school on foot.

A. must get to B. has to get to C. has to go to

( ) 8. Granny Li often ______ the children stories.

A. speaks B. talks C. tells D. says

( ) 9. The shop is about ______ away from here.

A. two hundred meters B. two hundreds meters

C. two hundred meter D. two hundreds meter

( ) 10. -- I'm sorry. I can't help you with your English.

-- Thank you _______.

A. very much B. all the time C. at all D. of course



( ) 1. Can I go into the building? A. I like the yellow one.

( ) 2. What's the matter? B. Yes, I'm very happy.

( ) 3. Which one do you like? C. All right.

( ) 4. It's your birthday today. D. It's near the bank.

( ) 5. Do you want to join me? E. No, I'm not.

( ) 6. You shouldn't touch it. F. No, you can't.

( ) 7. Where is the hospital? G. I've got a fever.

( ) 8. Are you from England? H. No, I don't.

( ) 9. Nice to meet you! I. I'm eleven.

( ) 10. How old are you? J. Nice to meet you!


There is a very big playground in our school. So many students in our school like to play ball games __1__. Some like to play __2__ and some like to play volleyball. __3__ all the boys like to play football. They often play football after school. They also come to play football __4__. But most __5__ students like to play table tennis in the room. They don't like to run in the sun.

We all like sports. It's good to play ball games.

( ) 1. A. in the sun B. on the playground C. with the teachers D. in the room

( ) 2. A. basketball B. football C. table tennis D. volleyball

( ) 3. A. So B. And C. But D. For

( ) 4. A. on Sundays B. after school C. on Friday D. on weekdays

( ) 5. A. woman B. man C. boy D. girl


1. My ________ (生日)is in ________ (二月)。

2. A: What's the ________ (日期)?

B: _________________ (九月一日)。

3. A:What are you doing?

B: I'm _____________________ (写电子邮件)

4. Look at the __________ (老虎). It's _________ (跑).

5. A: What's Mike doing?

B: He is _______________ (观看昆虫).


On Sunday, Tom usually gets up at 9 o'clock. Today, Tom got up at six, because be would go to a picnic with his parents. But it was raining, so they couldn't go to the picnic in the park. Tom went to the kitchen and said to his mum, "We can't have a picnic." Mum said, "Wait a minute." Then, Mum took out the food, a fan and a recorder. "It's just like in the park, a cool wind and the bird's singing." Mum said.

( ) 1. Tom got up at six today because he would have a picnic.

( ) 2. It was raining and Tom couldn't go to the picnic.

( ) 3. Tom's family had a picnic at home.

( ) 4. There was birds' singing at Tom's home.







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