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2021-08-10 12:30:01


71.Do you agree or disagree: Students should wear uniform in school?

I tend to disagree that students need to wear uniform in school. Firstly, wearing uniform doesn’t represent a better performance in school. I think it doesn’t matter what students wear as long as they are doing fine. In addition, school should encourage students to express themselves or develop their personality. School can make some restrictions to prevent certain inappropriate clothes. Asking students to dress the same everyday may have a negative influence on their psychology. So I don’t support uniform wearing.

72. 打手机该不该在一些地方禁止?

I think it’s necessary to forbid using mobile phone in some cases. For example in classes or meetings, the ringing is very disturbing. Although you may turn your mobile phone into the mute mode, it will distract you from classes thus reduce your study efficiency. And sometimes it’s impolite to use a mobile phone in some public occasion such as important conferences. Furthermore, the microwave radiation of a mobile phone will disturb the normal operating of special machines in some places such as hospital and laboratory. So forbidding using a mobile phone in some cases is good for you as well as the people surrounding you.

73. 政府是否应该资助建博物馆和剧院。说出你的观点和理由。

I definitely agree with that government should help in artistic places building such as museums and theatres. For one thing, these types of places are excellent for promoting appreciating for art. It can help us to regain the passion for beauty and depth in life, which is much better than being an internet addict or a couch potato. Furthermore, visiting museums and theatres will help understand much better in history and art, which will in turn benefit enhancing people’s culture. So I support government invest money to build more museums and theatres.



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