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2021-08-12 11:45:02


in additionconj.另外,加之

in addition to加之;又;除…之外;并且

admit of容许有,有…余地

be on the advance(物价)在上涨中

in advance预先,事先;在前面

in advance of在…的前面;超过

gain an advantage over胜过,优于

have an advantage over比...更有利

take advantage of sth.利用(时机、他人的弱点等)

afford to(买)得起(某物)

agree with同意;赞成;(与某人)意见一致

agree to sth.同意某事

ahead of在…前面,先于;胜过

go ahead说吧,走吧,做吧(口语),走在前面

aim for瞄准;以…为目标

aim at瞄准,针对;在,旨在

by air通过航空途径;用无线电

in the air在空中,在流行中,悬而未决

on the air(用无线电,电视)播送

after all毕竟,终究;虽然这样

at all(用于否定句)丝毫(不),一点(不)

in all总共,一共,合计

all out全力以赴,竭尽全力

all over到处,遍及;结束;(相貌)非常像

all but几乎,差一点;除…之外其余都

all right令人满意的,不错的;(健康)良好的/行/可以

not at all(用来加强 not 的语气)一点也不;根本不

all along一直,始终;从一开始就

amount to达到,总计;相当于,等于

in large amounts大量地

all over到处,遍及;结束;(相貌)非常像

all but几乎,差一点;除…之外其余都

all right令人满意的,不错的;(健康)良好的/行/可以

not at all(用来加强 not 的语气)一点也不;根本不

all along一直,始终;从一开始就

amount to达到,总计;相当于,等于

in large amounts大量地

and so on等等 (=and so forth)

and so forth等等,如此等等

and the like等等,以及诸如此类

and that而且

and then而且,其次,于是,然后

and yet可是,然而

one after another一个接一个地,接连地

one another彼此(指三者或三者以上)

answer for对…负责;承受…之后果

answer back应答

not any longer不再

To Run And To Chase

My delicious dinner wont get away. 可不能让到嘴的`佳肴逃走了。(不能让煮熟的鸭子飞了。)

The computer is going to kill me. 我快要被电脑逼死了。

Stop in the name of the law. 以法律的名义命令停下。

Put your pants on. 穿上你的裤子。

Never! 决不!

No, no! 不要!不要!

Come back here, you brat! 回来,你这臭家伙!

I love you! (还需要我翻译吗?)

Yay team! 加油!

Stop thief! 住手,小偷!

Bet you cant catch me. 打赌你无法捉到我。

Are you kidding? 你是开玩笑吧?

The missile is in pursuit of the jet. 导弹追赶着喷气机。(好热烈的追逐!)

to run after the gentleman 追求绅士

to try to get rid of the lady 想摆脱那个女人

to race 竞争

to top others 脱颖而出;获得第一

to follow her naughty brother 追赶顽皮刁钻的弟弟

to speed away 快速离开

in shifts 轮流

to run for freedom 为求自由而逃跑(越狱呀?)

to run away from his sister 从他姐姐那儿逃走(发生了什么事情?)

to chase the thief 追踪小偷

to escape from the policeman 从警察手下逃亡



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