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2022-02-02 17:15:02



"It"s snowing! It"s snowing! " I heard from my father that it snowed, and my family burst into a pot.

先下雨,再下冰雨,最后变成了雪。中午时,我先听爸爸说下雪了,我激动得睡不着觉。马上跑过去一看,哎,哪是下雪,明明是下雨嘛!爸爸真是一派胡言乱语。我便垂头丧气睡午觉了!我做了 一个梦,梦见真的下雪了,白雪皑皑,房顶白了,地面白了,树也白了,真是银装素裹,美丽极了。一觉醒来,好像梦想成真了,房顶白了,地面白了,树也白了,这对我说是一件天大的喜事,我连忙 叫醒还睡在梦乡的妈妈,说:“妈妈妈妈快醒来。妈妈妈妈快醒来。”妈妈醒来,我把事情的经过一一说出来,妈妈连忙说:“岚岚,穿厚点别冻着了,越是下雪天越是冷。

First it rained, then it snowed, and finally it became snow. At noon, I first heard from my father that it snowed. I was so excited that I couldn"t sleep. Run to see, ah, it"s snowing. It"s raining! Dad is such a bunch of nonsense. I"ll take a nap with my head down! I had a dream. I dreamed that it was really snowing. It was snowy. The roof was white. The ground was white. The trees were white. It was really covered in silver. It was very beautiful. When I wake up, it seems that my dream has come true. The roof is white, the ground is white, and the trees are white. It"s a big happy event for me. I wake up my mother who is still sleeping in my dream, and say: "Mom, mom, wake up soon. Mom, mom, wake up. " When my mother woke up, I told her the story one by one. My mother said: "Lan Lan, don"t be frozen in thick clothes, the colder it is in snowy days.


I like snow. The snow is very beautiful.



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