趣文网 > 作文大全


2022-02-18 14:00:02



At five o"clock on Sunday morning, my mother and I went to the gate of the Bank of Nanjing to pick up the newspaper。 We picked up eighty copies of the newspaper, which was used for the activities of the holiday team。 At 7:30, after the team members arrived, they were introduced to them。 A newspaper is worth 70 cents, one yuan for sale, and three yuan for triangle。 If a person sells ten newspapers, he can earn three yuan, and then he can buy a cold drink, ha ha! After the sale, I came to the crossroads。 When the red light was on, I went to sell newspapers and sold several copies。 I came to the market again。 Some of the people here ignored me, some said no directly, and only sold two copies。 Then, I went to the hospital to hang water。 Some people saw me selling newspapers and asked me to sell them directly。 After a while, they sold out。 I"ve sold 18 newspapers and earned five yuan and forty cents。 I can buy two cold drinks to eat!



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