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2023-02-04 03:58:03


诚信,一朵心灵之花 诚信,是文明的花朵,带给我们希望。下面是小编收集的英语作文,欢迎大家阅读!


To be honest, not lie, this is the life of the principle. Lost the good faith, is the root of the lost life. No one would think that lying is a good thing.

Once said, in "Lao zi" people no letter not made. To be honest, means that countries can't lie, otherwise there will be no foothold in the world. People, too, if not honest, they will be looked down upon by the person. I am opposed to "white lies", in spite of the starting point is good, but still is not honest. Lying, the cover of goodwill is deceptive behavior. Many "white lies" are sincere words can be used in place of, why we don't want to cheat you?

Maybe a white lie can make some people in the mind comfortable, but they will know the truth and then how to think? Insulted his personality, they will think you don't respect his self-esteem, his self-esteem would be bit by bit.

"Zengzi kill pig" zengzi's wife in order to get rid of the entanglement son, cheat him said, "you have a good stay at home, when I come back to you kill pig to eat." Zengzi know after, immediately to kill pig, to his son a lesson in honesty. "The Wolf" is taught us not lying, otherwise would be a lie the horse hungry Wolf swallows everything.

Life is cultivated by the honest and trustworthy, promises will lead to mutual distrust between people, a period, which lies will, futures, time is not easy. How many ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign celebrities are in good faith for the world.

We as teenagers, we should be honest, not lie. Only honest can make the sky more spacious, make the world more warmth, make people life more harmonious.








A lot of examples in life, honest and trustworthy, they won the trust of the people, a successful career.

I see from a book: the original is a tiny company, in just a few years, has become a famous big companies, is this why? Finally, the general manager revealed the secret: "is actually rely on good faith, only then the good faith, can make it stronger, is the good faith to win the customer's heart." How important is integrity.

Also, I saw a story in the newspaper: a businessman of the wine sold in their water, earn hundreds of dollars a day, feel very happy, have status, competition with others, their success. From then on, he add water to drink in great quantities, etc. He also did not wake up, just put on the frozen handcuffs. This is what a terrible thing! You think of it, did not have the good faith, happiness is not long, status is false, the competition is also failed, conscience will be condemned, the law does not allow.

Some of the above examples have proved: the good faith is how important, don't lose credibility. In our relationship with classmates, and to be honest and trustworthy, will not lie, be sincere, really do a good honest boy.

In a word, honesty is not only a man's virtue, is the guarantee of an individual career success! I believe that as long as there is sunshine, there is a "good faith", the sun shines the earth, and the "good faith" will also filled the earth.









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