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2023-02-05 06:15:04




The world is not only hungry,but also is short of thewater.This may sound strange for 70% of the surfaceof the use is covered by water.But 97% of this is seawater or soft water.Man can only use the other 3%fresh water that country rivers,lakes and from otherground and we can't ever use all of that becausesome of them are the iceberges and glaciers. What'sworse, some of the fresh water has been polluted.Ourneed of water is increasing rapidly day by day. So we should take the measures to solve theproblem.



Water is one of the most important things in life.the Water has no colour,no shapes,no taste and no smell.Water is every where.It's in the ocean,in the sea,in the river and in the late.Water is useful.We use water to cook rice.We use water to take showers.We use water to put out fires,and so on.Water brangs us happiness,too.We can swim in the late andsea inthesummer 。

Water is so important.Nothing can live without it.We should keep our water clean and protect our earth.




"No water, no creatures" It's ture that the human being will run the end if there is no water in the world. Man can live for about 7days without any food, but 3 days without water. But I know that environmental pollution in our country is becoming more and more serious. In the country, we can see women washing clothes in the river. Litter is floating on the river. Waste water produced by a chemical factory is being discharged into the river. We do not see any fish in the river. The river is not so clear as before. Water quality is very bad. I am worried about it because water is important to all living things. Man can not live without water. I hope people pay more attention to this problem, especially the government. Try to control the pollution of water as early as possible. At last I would like to say, "To protect water resource is to protect life."




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