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2023-05-04 03:31:02




Surf's up in the beautiful sunshine beach, often held "surfing competition", the winner will receive the title "surf ace. Penguin bobo has always been "surf ace", the title has been with him through the three session of surfing competition, what people can never shake his title. In a sunny afternoon, the wind mixed with the smell of salt water, beach, coconut trees swaying leaves, flocks of seagulls flying over the blue and calm sea. In such a good weather, started the fourth surfing competition. First is the champion of the last wave. Bobo holding a piece of blue surfboard, thrown into the sea. He lay on the surfboard, vigorously struck the water with both hands, all of a sudden, a wave hit head-on. Bobo immediately stood up and harness the power of the waves go through. Bobo a turn, was standing in the waves. Waves like a gentle kitten, was at the mercy bobo. Standing on the top of the bobo ducking a while, and drew the spectators were pinched a cold sweat for him; Then emerge from the sea needs to turn over a few big circle under all the spectators were applauded. Is bobo performance was excited when a young penguin fell into the water, and a big wave was coming toward him. Shore of the penguins have started screaming, become panicked. At that moment, bobo regardless of danger, jumped down from the center, struggling to swim towards the little penguin. When he was just embrace the penguin wants to swim back to shore, a fierce waves rush toward to come over, like a lion to bobo and little penguin opened jaws, bobo was engulfed in the waves with the penguin. Shore of the penguins looked at has been calm sea, tears silently. As everyone thought bobo and little penguin was dead, a careful penguin found a moving black spots on the sea, he carefully, is bobo! He excitedly cried: "hey, come and look at you, bobo, bobo! They don't die!" Everyone looked inside, really is bobo, and immediately they put aside the heavy heart, exclaimed in delight, and ran to meet their heroes. Only at the critical moment would abandon his own life in people, are the ones who are really worth people respect!




On Friday afternoon, the school issued to each of us a ticket, returned home, I will make and let mom and dad took me to see, in my strong request, my mother decided she took me to see.

Today, finally has tasted, I'm excited, early bring snacks and glasses to pack good, wait, mom commanded, I rapidly blunt go out, oh, my gosh! I even forgot to still raining outside, suddenly was caught in the rain "drowned rat", I had to go home again, with her mother by car, with about 40 minutes, my mother and I went to the "dahua theater", bought a ticket in the movies.

Film began, a group of emperor penguins take turns on the screen from the sea, with neat lines rickety began a long migration from their birthplace, some penguin away team, they will slowly swallow the bitter cold, can no longer see the warm sunshine. Came to the birthplace of emperor penguins to find each other's partner, began a week-long dance of love, then there is a long wait, three weeks later, every female penguins gave birth to a cute penguin eggs, born in order to feed the little penguin, penguin mother left penguin eggs began a new move, looking for the entrance to the sea, for up to four months in the bottom of the sea, in the four months, the penguin dad don't eat a little food, with all the quantity of heat to hatch little penguin, until mother penguin away. The mother come back later, father penguin and they said goodbye to also began to crusade, to hunt in the sea, after come back again, mom and dad feeding, together to protect the small penguin penguin. After two weeks, the penguin grew up, mom and dad left little penguin penguin back to the ocean. The penguin was alone in the birthplace to learn swimming, learn to survive, grow in the mother and father penguin noble emperor penguins.

In order to survival and reproduction, the emperor penguins must through many difficulties, but never give up, to the penguin hatch and feeding, penguin mom and dad to lose their own lives. The film is very moving true, let me know the animals and people have feelings too.









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