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2023-05-04 05:44:01




Twinkling of an eye, the summer vacation will soon be over, the in the mind a little regret, really don't want to start right away.

Recall my summer vacation life, don't mention how happy. Grandparents give me to quote a cram school, let me on a semester homework more consolidated, and prepare in advance the learning courses, I go to cram school every day, so I think my life is very full.

In addition to this, my sister and I also occasionally go out for a walk in the evening, we often go to the playground near my house, at night, there is a lot of people walking exercise, there are some children in practice dance, there is so busy. My sister and I often come to this play, exercise the body, feel so happy.

My summer vacation life is rich and colorful, in addition to learning, go out to play outside, the most happy is today is the opening of the Beijing Olympic Games in the summer, people all over the country are all very excited, so this summer is even more meaningful. I like to coat athletes cheer in front of the television, whenever I see the athletes I get a championship, just with them excited. So in the summer vacation, the Olympics is my most happy things.

This is my summer vacation life, I think this is I had the most significant one for the summer.



回忆起我的暑假生活,别提有多开心了。外公外婆给我报了补习班,让我上一学期的功课更加巩固 ,同时也提前预习了即将学习的"课程,我每天都去补习班,所以我觉得我的生活很充实。





Today, we go to river on clams and joy we trample clam can be much more!

Early in the morning, I arrived at the designated meeting place, in a short time, people are all here, we started to joy river, on the road, we should have more happy, we talked and laughed and so on the river.

At this time, the students happy like crazy, don't listen to the cry for a bit and are launching on clams and teacher said grab a clam well two points, catch a fish with five points. Hearing this, the classmates all dried up cheerfully, a little later, the students have to shout "I stepped on five!" "I am standing on the four!" "I catch a fish!" My in the mind that itch! After 20 minutes, I was standing on a clam to see the happy in my heart, my confidence, and continuous stepped on several, ah! I stepped on a fish, is bad, it ran away, just when the fish fast to be my bag, but ran away, it's really smart, I was crestfallen. At this time, the teacher told us to go back, we had to be reluctant to go on shore.

On the road, we in a few "dictionary", finally, to the classroom, we calculate points together, in a short time, points out, a team of 290 points, second team 250 points, 296 points, three team I am team, only scored 290 points, what a pity!









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