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2023-05-04 07:14:11




More than 1000 days have already gone in a twinkling of an eye, junior high school life is coming to an end, since school I met many classmates and finished the exam, also met many teachers.

Among them, the most impressed me is our Chinese teacher -- Yu Xinping. His eyes around 45 years old, small but intense, bright sound like a big bell, of medium height, lithe body appearance. He is very funny, but some of the time he is very serious. The language lesson time discipline in the class is not very good, in the class, there are also externalized selves loosed by this time he was board face, loudly say to us: "noisy what noisy, the teacher still here!" Immediately quiet down in the class, but for a moment or a voice, because we think he is very kind, also is not afraid of him.

He also likes a joke with us, in the canteen, while waiting in line at the back of the classmates and I said, he and several classmates and the teacher cracked a joke, said: "teacher, we together with you to the 4 floor to eat, you treat!" He said with a smile: "good! You together." Go to the 3rd floor, they are prepared to go in, but didn't expect more than the teacher stopped them, that they went upstairs to go to eat together. They also just a joke with him, I didn't think he is serious, stubbornly took them to dinner, a stalemate for a long time, they finally get off, he's really enthusiastic!

He attaches great importance to our reading. First, the classmates each other are all very strange, for he is not very understanding. In the class, he asked us to read the text, the students not to read, such as fine fly, is slow to a crawl, the sound is dull, and with no emotion. He again and again in order to solve this problem, the demonstration to recite aloud for us. Me the deepest impression is his last a read the merchant of Venice, Shylock, hoarse voice, and with abundant love read sherlock the jewish stingy to the property. Every time he call somebody up reading aloud, the classmates always didn't do my best to read, because they are afraid of shame. But he always show us, also don't know his courage and guts to where it came from. Have to admire, I want to say: "teacher, hello!" "Teacher, thank you!" Time is like an arrow, the sun is like a boat, unconsciously, we are going to graduate. This the joy of the three years we will forever treasure in the heart, the joy of his classes will be we remember.

The teacher is hard gardener, with their blood to irrigate our. "To the dead silk side, ended.candles burn" this said, "hello, teacher!"










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