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2023-05-05 06:36:06




Who is the person I admire the most? I have been confused, the answer to this question. But the teacher which pot does not open mention which pot. Decorate a write "I admire most" composition, it is not mean to embarrass me?

I sit at desks wonder: who is the person I admire the most? Is mom? Is the father? Is grandpa? Grandma is? Is grandpa? Or a grandma? Think of grandma, dusty memories come to mind...

It was a hot summer day, I and my grandma go to buy soft drinks. We came to a store, the shop assistant asked with a smile what we buy, grandma pointed on the shelves of soda, assistant suddenly understand, pass me will pop off. Grandma conveniently gives her five yuan, assistant took out her wallet find three yuan handed grandma, grandma gave the money to me again, then pull I hurriedly go.

Soon when I get home, I will in the hands of carefully a few money, find a below a dollar and cling to a one yuan. Add up in front of the yuan and three yuan is 4 yuan. Ah! The shop assistant how to find us a dollar money!

I will tell this an important finding of grandma, grandma to wrinkle up eyebrows, firmly said to me: "this money, let's get it back!" "Why?" I don't understand to ask. "Because to find more money must be returned to the somebody else, it's as simple as that." I can't, had to go with grandma returned the money to the clerk. On the way home, I looked at grandma, a respect of compassion. Admire the fine? Admire? I know who I admire most is, is grandma!


我最敬佩的人是谁?我一直搞不清楚,这个问题的答案 。可老师却哪壶不开提哪壶。布置了一个写《我最敬佩的一个人》的作文,这不是成心为难我吗?






I admire a person I admire most

School class two, grade three Peng Zihang xinzhou city development zone

In my mind, there are many worthy of study and admire, but the person I admire most is bao zheng.

Bao is China's song dynasty, his skin was particularly black, people give him a lot of nickname, someone called him "pack black carbon", he was called "pack spots", and people called him "black steamed buns. He looks extremely ugly, and have a crescent-shaped scar on your forehead, very ugly.

Bao is very smart, once, rob liao countries want to fight against song song kingdom of food, sent a letter to song kingdom, letters that read "husband heart take rice". Ministers did not know how to reply, bao zheng thought for a moment, get a pen on each word with a pen, changed to "dare not to", everyone praised him.

Bao is not only intelligent, but integrity. On one occasion, he does Tim, because a friend is ill, the result got a less. A surname later said to him: "as long as you don't check my case, I'll let you when the draft, or I kill you." Zheng said: "I will let the truth."

Clever bao with integrity and selfless spirit, is worth our learning, he is a person I admire most.












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