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2023-05-08 07:58:03




I'm a sunshine and happy little boy, my name is ray, peng, do you know why I take this name? Because my parents hope I grow up bright prospects, fly to the world. I am 10 years old, the second half of the year is the sixth grade students.

If I grow handsome, to be honest, does someone kua I grow handsome, but mom suspicion I be folds, small eyes, people praised me when she always complained that I don't like her double-fold eyelid, time and time again I retorted: "do not look at my eyes are small, but concentrated essence". I was "tall", is higher than their peers to half size, so that when I was in primary school grade four early I was asked to read a few, I fainted on the spot. How do I eat not fat, even mom "pig plan", "fat" also failed to achieve her wish, my mother always said I was a lean "little old man". My appearance to the satisfaction of the I my ears, in accordance with the grandma's words I grew up "ears large developments, is a rich man den", whenever someone kua my ears, my mother would be proud to say, my ears, like her, so I know I really looks good in my ears.

I like to read books, but my mother is very concerned about my study, so the books quietly "step", later, I was addicted to playing chess, specifically looking for dad the chess player, even though I lose every dish, but I never discouraged, persistently and dad "play", I believe that one day I will win the father.

Heard my introduction, I think you have roughly understanding to me, I hope we can become good friends.









过端午节作文200字 我心中的诚信作文600字 端午节英语作文50词 心得体会600字作文 小学生春游作文怎么写 五一放假作文350字 相约好时节作文800字 童年小伙伴600字作文 教师节写老师的作文 生活中的矛盾作文600字 在考验中成长作文600字 描写小白兔外貌的作文 介绍我自己的作文300字 致未来的自己作文600字 谁动了我的奶酪材料作文 从失败到成功作文600字 话说洋车夫作文300字 花季里的阳光作文500字 高中英语小作文范文 妈妈您辛苦了作文800字 我的家风家训作文800字 我们该记住的作文600字 父爱的天空作文800字 环保从我做起作文600字 做小实验的作文400字 那一束光作文 我的五一作文100字 新时代新青年作文 快乐五一三百字作文 其实我还没长大作文