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2023-05-09 02:48:04




Since I know that after the summer vacation can go to xiamen forces of life, I'm looking forward to summer vacation every day. Finally, my surge of emotion surge, ushered in the long-awaited day - the summer vacation. The day before the summer vacation, my father took me on the troops. Although there is 11 hours of time on way, but I was very excited, don't think a long time.

After to xiamen, we first taste the local cuisine, have bound crabs, have kelly kelly small yellow croaker, there are many many delicious. One is called bamboo shoots frozen soil, is made of a worm is similar to the skin of frozen food, taste is very special.

The next morning, I and a friend were military vehicles received the units. The forces in the east mountainside of hirayama, beautiful scenery, the air is fresh. We are arranged in camp for three connect directly. From then on, I began my summer vacation life forces. In the army life is very colorful. Do morning exercises every day in the morning get up on time, after finishing the interior, eat breakfast, rest for a while will go to the playground fitness, practice to do push-ups, crunches, bench presses, weight lifting, etc. Through my efforts, I by the beginning of a practice sit-ups now more than 10! Every afternoon, forces are rich and colorful activities, but my favorite they play football, because this time I can do markers. On the forces of every day feeling too quickly, while I will leave here. Because I was going to school.

After came back from the army, I at the beginning of the mother under the oppression of the study, practise the piano for five hours every day. I've been working very hard to run in the path of growth.

This is my summer vacation life, a happy and meaningful experience.










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