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2023-05-12 03:11:02




Patriotism is the emotion, everyone must have in a level, it is a kind of spirit, a kind of let a person respect character.

Patriotism is our traditional virtue of the Chinese people, whether in the temple of wen tianxiang, yue fei, still in river's lake away Su Wu, lu you; Both ancient qu yuan, and the modern of lu xun, as long as it is the Chinese people, Chinese people, are deeply understand the fortunes of a "the rise and fall in the world," the most simple truth.

Because of the burning desire of patriots, the Chinese nation can we passed five thousand years, still standing in the world.

As English written the "motherland" in the "motherland", the motherland like a loving mother, sheltered her every people, every one of us should love our motherland as they love their mother.

Once heard such a sentence: "when the motherland needs me plugging loopholes, I will learn from huang jiguang; when the motherland need I fry bunker, I will learn from area; when the motherland needs me mine, I will learn from Luo Guangxie, dedicate everything to motherland and the people".

In this era where we grow up, we can do is study hard science and technology, to revive my China. Set "for the rise of the Chinese reading" qingyun, become rich rich knowledge useful.

I love my motherland.










I love my motherland I love my motherland rich and I love my motherland beautiful end my ancestors were here was born from here, I will not in any other place to death may face a die that is not his family feast table understand her looking forward to, I can't give up take away my will to move forward, took over the mantle of the preacher, when early red tides are interpreted with a strange prosperity to return au, rushing off to an eternal theme there is a kind of parts, water is a symbol of another, however, gradually revealed a new vortex ruthless consuming increases slowly materialized in the spin off telling the operation of traditional remember when the devil killed at the time when our country how many revolutionary predecessors in killed by boys but we don't have therefore and give up the future of our motherland in the 21st century, so it is our motherland stand up today our motherland stand up I love my motherland that unyielding spirit infected infected with my all of the next generation






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