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2023-05-14 02:41:03




Time flies, such as the months passed quickly, in the past 20 years, in A twinkling of an eye A remind me: my secretary robot, President of adult, don't you go back to look at? Indeed, 20 years have passed, I think, go home and give his family a peace, lest family worry about. I set out immediately drove the supersonic spacecraft, has been to zhengzhou, the air is very pure and fresh and I can't help but think, this is the serious air pollution in zhengzhou?

No matter, anyway, I'm not there to see the scenery, I immediately set up a led zeppelin, and set off. When I go to the overpass, was shocked, because when overpass contact made of glass, the glass can reduce the noise, also can reduce the heat of summer, winter can be cold air isolation, very warm. Can also played music that is not happy mood excretion, but, I want to again - west gansu primary school Alma mater I don't know what happened there, out of curiosity, I went to, I have a look at the schedule, the outside people in swimming lessons, don't know how, I went to look for, just have a classmate want to go to the toilet, was caught on transmission tower. Just come, I ask him: you where is the swimming lesson? You don't know my swimming pool on the roof? He asked me, oh, originally is the roof of the swimming pool, I went to see, the air is fresh, a look, and everyone in the swim, now science and technology developed, and the underground amusement park! Oh, I want to see, immediately, and went in. It below the air is not clean, but the soil is enough to play for everyone to play with it, I also don't bother, and went away.

I don't have to walk again, I decided, I want to contribute to the zhengzhou science and technology.








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