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2023-05-15 03:55:01




Someone said: "friendship is the best school" cultivate people feeling more someone said: "friendship is the most beautiful flowers adorn youth." Friendship is very

important, of course, the best friend can cry and laugh with us. So it is purer than water, than snow clean, pure than gold.

I also have a good friend, named Yang ning. Hung from a pair of bright eyes a myopic glasses, red as fire lips above like a Grecian nose, only have a black watch symbol of

fashion and popularity.

We are good friends all the time, is a good friend to share happiness and hardship, he is an intellectual, in the class who only mentioned out "let's class who is the most

severe" class a "better". But there is one thing to form a barrier between us.

Remember when we were in elementary school, the school only me in the class and speed two people, he was reading a book, I want to play with him, I silently walk from behind

to his side gave him, he shouted out a loud "scared me to death", then I smiled happily, and his face turned red, with a bag didn't say 1 with me, then go. Then I knew he was

angry with me, the in the mind a little guilty. Since then, between the two of us have a sad thick barrier layer. At school, he came over just glance at the left, I also.

One day, a teacher in the class to say a word: let us sad frontal "ning Yang speed of our classmates there was a traffic accident, is seriously hurt, now in the hospital."

After listening to, I can not help but shed tears of rustling, no wonder he didn't come to class these days. Schoolmates whispering in after school to go to the hospital to

see him, but in my heart. They said to me, I at ordinary times is the most close friends with him, you should go to. Way home from school, I think should go, suddenly the

phone bell rang (monitor) and he said better hand bone is broken, to operate immediately, to cry as I quickly ran to the hospital, see speed ning should promote ICU room,

lying on the car I drew nearer, ning shed tears when you see me, I also speak hesitatingly of said with tears: "don't worry, don't be nervous, you'll be all right."

From then on, I stay at home all day, I've always wanted to, he was going to go to see him, but he is finally here. He hug me tightly and stuff see cross flow, is dedicated

to my apology, crying and said: "I should not be sent to you so big of angry, I'm sorry." I cry also don't talk, he not only contain I miss, have a heart of pure friendship,

let me suddenly feel heart so small, so selfish, what do you say this world heart of friendship is more valuable than this?
















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