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2023-05-16 07:29:04




When disaster strikes, we helped each other. An earthquake, it come so suddenly that split-second, shook the half Chinese, brought huge disaster to sichuan wenchuan. We cannot stop natural disaster, but we're a family, we want to lend a helping hand, help the disaster area people, and with love put up a bridge leading to the disaster areas, to rescue our compatriots. After the earthquake, the party and state leaders, they hastily rushed to the disaster areas from the capital on the line, check the disasters, disaster relief command. Premier wen jiabao's emotional to disaster areas compatriots said: "your family is our family, your children are our children." The people's liberation army uncle and aunt came also, hospital from the motherland in all directions, one to the disaster area is devoted to the earthquake relief in the fight, regardless of their personal safety, is not afraid of sacrifice, is not afraid of fatigue, day and night fighting in a line, again and again, one after another to rescue trapped people.

The country and people around the world action, donating money, subscription, blood donation, volunteering, site of some of the touching scenes happen all the time, all in our hot love. Yuexiu district in guangzhou, a disabled beggars cannot walk upright will beg a few days to change into the donation box, he said: "I also want to sichuan." , of course, the sichuan wenchuan has touched the hearts of all the teachers and students in our school on the 19th at 10 am, all the teachers and students on the playground in our school to wenchuan earthquake disaster area donation activities, offer the love in this activity, students compete with their own pocket money, express love to the disaster area people with their own actions. Although the earthquake brought huge disaster to sichuan wenchuan, but across the country, millions of people around the world with their love to hold up a piece of day.







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