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2023-05-16 07:30:03




I think, I no matter who asked, they all know the earthquake of wenchuan county, sichuan province in China. The earthquake made me thinking, we are all sons and daughters of China, the Chinese people, descendants of the dragon, we are a family. So we should develop the "party hard, p plus support" of spirit, united, unity is strength. Grasped the nettle and perseverance to seize the victory of the relief. When you see this picture, your heart whether there is a pain; The stretched out a hand from the rubble. The hand kept shaking, and also give out a faint cry for help from time to time under the ruins. "save pulled me, save me." Would you wish rushed up to dig out the man from the rubble, although you are not met, but we're a family, we all have a common mother - - China. Premier wen jiabao stressed that in the earthquake to save as a top priority, and be injured people live strong and brave, to face the future. As long as there is the person, we will be able to rebuild their homes. Premier wen jiabao to serious disaster area, condolences to the masses, the command of the earthquake relief work.

And in "the situation is the order, time is life" as the key point, at all costs, the doctors. Because the people life above all else, the people's interests above all else. When we learn that this time the earthquake, people are holding my hand, from the wallet took out a, two hundred yuan of money donated to the disaster area people, I think everyone gave a little love, the disaster area people can drink water, eat the food is delicious, lived in a warm house. Donate money is not much, but what you contribute your love. Yeah! Sunshine always after the rain, plum blossom incense from Fairbanks. A human history is a history of struggle against the disaster. I believe that in this moment, the Chinese people are together, share his feelings of sadness. Even not in relief the first line, people are arm in arm in the heart, heart to heart. Together to carry difficult and hardship. As television host Yang Jinlin said -- - resist, China is a piece of sunny days.


我想,我无论问谁,他们都知道我国四川省汶川县的大地震吧。地震使我深思,我们都是华夏儿女,炎黄子孙,龙的传人,我们就是一家人。因而我们应该大力发展“一方有难,八方支援”的精神,万众一心,众志成城。迎难而上,百折不挠,共同夺取抗震救灾的胜利。 当你看到这样的一幅画面,您的心是否有过一阵伤痛;那是从废墟中伸出一只手。那只手不停地摇动着,废墟下还不时发出一阵阵微微的呼救声“救揪我,救救我”。你是否会恨不得冲上去把那个人从废墟中挖出来,虽然你们并不相识,但是我们是一家人,我们都有一个共同的母亲——-中国。 温家宝总理在这次的地震中强调,要把救人当做重中之重,并要受伤的人们坚强勇敢的活下去,面对未来。只要有了人,我们就可以重建家园。温家宝总理赶往严重灾区,慰问群众,指挥抗震救灾的工作。

并以“灾情就是命令,时间就是生命”为重点,不惜一切代价,救人要紧。因为百姓生命高于一切,人民利益高于一切。 当我们得知这一次地震的时候,人们都不约而同地伸出援助之手,从钱包中拿出一、两百元钱来捐助给灾区人们,我想人人献出一点爱,那么灾区的人民就能喝上水,吃上香甜可口的.饭菜,住上温暖的房子。捐出的钱不在于多少,而在于你奉献出的爱心。 是啊!阳光总在风雨后,梅花香自苦寒来。一部人类史,就是一部与灾难抗争的历史。我相信,在这个时刻,中华人民都凝聚在一起,共同分担内心的悲痛。即使不在救灾第一线,人们也在心中手挽手,心连心。一起来扛艰难和困苦。正如电视主持人杨锦麟所说的——-扛住了,中国又是一片艳阳天。




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