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2023-05-17 04:15:02




My mother is a genuine farmer, she is so ordinary, neither the drop-dead gorgeous, the four most beautiful women in ancient on closed flowers to shame voice floated, also does not have the kind of sounds of nature by the stars, but in my opinion, she is always the most beautiful people!

She has all of the characteristics of rural women, simple, enthusiasm, full of love. Mother is a kind of face, her kind to people, put her on the rural women, you wouldn't recognize her, she is so ordinary can no longer ordinary people.

But it is in such an ordinary mother, but had so many great things.

One year the Spring Festival, because of my greed, put coal stove roast to eat of the head of a bed in the middle of the night. Who knows, just because this has caused a serious trouble. Two days later, what's going on I don't know anything. On the third day, I just woke up slowly. I open my eyes, is the first person to see my mother, she saw that I opened my eyes, and smiled to me, his eyes were filled with blood.

I asked her what had happened, she said I have gas poisoning, has been in a coma for two days. I smiled at mother, one eye, found lying on the table next to the rice never seem to move. My eyes suddenly went dim -- to look after my mother, two days without sleep and even did not eat rice. This is how the great mother! Mother patted me, asked me if I want something to eat. I said to her after she went out and bought. Small village, but also for a long time not see her back. For a long time, mother came back, carrying a bag in his hand. I later learned, I don't what to murakami, mom went to the city to buy. Mom saw I spirit a little better, he put down the things back to home to sleep. She sleep actually almost a day, in this day, I didn't have the heart to call her.

Mom, my grand mother, is your place in my heart no one can replace. You are ordinary, but you were in the ordinary more highlight your beauty!











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