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2023-05-18 03:40:05




teachers and fellow students:

In the days of the flowers bloom in this hot season, 20 xx year summer sports game in our school for two days. Under the joint efforts of all the teachers and students, and achieved a complete success. Here, on behalf of my school to extend my sincere thank you to all the staff of the conference, to attend the reading of the assembly are outstanding in all the teachers and students and athletes get good results expressed warm congratulations.


The general assembly of the movement of school leadership attaches great importance to and vigorously support, under the unified deployment of the leadership of the school, under the coordination of various middle school department, more than a month before the games months time, actively cooperate with, wisdom, determine the games opening ceremony, contests, completed the registration for the athletes, order volumes of choreography, race group, etc. Convened a meeting of the director, the manager, the workers' kick-off meeting the relevant meeting, games such as did the unified deployment, specific arrangement of relevant matters, all the schedule in an orderly way to make the games.

500 3 speech games speech

Bowed head attaches great importance to this event, oversaw preparations for the conference, themselves to guide the students to read, under his guidance, rhyme together at the conference rang through the ages, after waiting a wonderful poem echoed in the ears of all the teachers and students. Departments in charge of the vice President also did a lot of work, specific caught school, middle school, specialty,, trade unions, communist youth league, guidance place, the student affairs office, office of general services, security, sports group and so on all aspects of the work, for the wonderful opening of the conference ended smoothly, and escort.

Teachers, students, school sports will vigorously promote the all-round development of our school sports and the overall work. Hope everybody in turn as a starting point, take an active part in sports activities, improve physical quality, by the spirit of valiant indomitable rushed into a new round of competition to teaching and learning, cooperate fully implementing quality education in our school, carry out curriculum reform, build "national pilot school of art, I believe that our campus will become healthy, lively, vibrant campus.

Thank you all!






老师们、同学们,校运会将大力推动我校体育事业和学校整体工作的全面发展。希望大家依次为起点,积极参加体育活动、增强身体素质,以顽强拼搏奋勇争先的精神 投入到新一轮的教与学的竞赛中去,配合我校全面推行素质教育,推行课改,打造“国家级”艺术试点名校,我相信我们的校园将成为健康向上、充满生机 、充满活力的校园。





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