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2023-05-18 03:52:04




Dream is stone, knock out a spark; Dream is fire, lit out the lights; Dream is light, light the way forward; Dream, you go to the dawn. Over the festive nonyl, dragon year Spring Festival, I was 17 years old and is close to the adults. Also more understand the truth, should be planning your own future, everyone's heart has belongs to own dream, but most of them feel that their dreams could not be achieved, it is vain enough to want to and, so will it deeply buried in the bottom of my heart, no passion and courage to make my dream come true, how can the colorful flowers such a dream? From kindergarten when someone asked me: "do you want to do grow up" were ignorant then I won't hesitate moment replied: "get in tsinghua Beijing university" in fact, when I was in third grade just know tsinghua Beijing university is two schools, not even read together. But I know it is to realize the dream of life the most beautiful stage. But now, I mature now, think the standard is too far away from me, as if I cannot achieve. Don't know what kind of dream for me at that time.

Each person's dream is different. Some people dream is to the police, some people dream is to the teacher, some people dream is an actor, some people dream is rich. For my dream, really belongs to me is the largest manifestation of life value. Whether what kind of job, what kind of social status, I just want to pass my efforts to let more people get happiness of life. Banda Lev once said: "people find the meaning of life is happiness" happiness of life there are three essential factors: one is hope, 2 it is to have something to do, third, has the compassion. Everyone is eager to happiness, everyone in the feeling of happiness. Happiness is sometimes abstract and sometimes very concrete. Happiness sometimes distant, sometimes close at hand. Happiness stems from the dream. Let the dream to illuminate the future; Let the dream wings; Let the dream to set sail, take me to the top of my life.

A person as long as have a dream, will have a goal, I study life will be full of fun and colorful. I want to through my efforts, to learn cultural knowledge. To lay waste jump, authentic wall steal light region. Adults don't comfortable, comfortable not adults, everybody has the way of diameter, learn the bitter as the boat. Three years of high school learning idle away one's life, I will cherish every minute, not afraid of hardship, not afraid of bitterness, more is not afraid of boring. With was admitted to a university, to fly to the dream sky.








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