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2023-05-20 04:02:06


导语: 荣华富贵之心越重和生性越敏感的人,烦恼也越多。下面是小编为大家准备的,成长的烦恼英语作文。希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


Remember once, my grandmother home to watch TV, then my sister, and the sky come. She has a pair of bright and watery eyes; A big "foaming at the mouth nose"; Have a pair of big ears like pig eight quit, the other people all call "clairaudient". Although she is a very gentle and quiet, very gentle, very sedate girl -- of course this is adult's comments. And my comment is: she is a very naughty, very selfish, very bad girl crying. Why say so, move on.

I glanced at his sister to I know catastrophizing, 36 plan - going for good. I just want to go, grandma said: "the home, I want to go out, will be back soon." I listen to a thought, I how so unlucky. Grandma go, my sister would be "crazy", he conveniently picked up the ball everywhere disorderly bump. And I watch TV on the side, she sees and ignored, as didn't see it. Ten minutes later, a scene of confusion over by her grandmother's house, my sister came along a took the remote control, then the TV will be her manager. I picked up her ball just to play, but she came and stopped me. I said angrily: "television and the ball, which one do you want?" "I am both. Sister is very bossy to answer. I fire emit three zhangs, said: "you?" But she cry for no reason at all. Grandma came back, and saw the sister cried, and saw a scene of confusion over by her in the home, then indiscriminately, said: "how do you when the elder brother?" "Me?" I just wanted to refute, grandma said angrily: "I what I, is really piss me off!" At that moment my heart is broken, bleeding. I thought to myself, how can grandma wronged me, don't give me the chance to explain, light men and women is really heavy. I think while ran out in tears.

This trouble things put aside in the heart has been many days, but I haven't forgotten








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