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2023-05-21 03:48:08




Everyone has a childhood, and childhood is like the sea that a variety of shells, accompanied by her in the sea, shining, sending out the colorful luster, number are not over.. And now my hands still holding that a the most shining shells, that also is one of my most memorable childhood fun; Also landed like shining stars, one of the brightest star is the most interesting thing, it is the sixth grade division, conservatory at the basketball game.

The basketball match began, and this time our class and class (7) definitely, in class 6 (7) with the cheers of the cheerleading players on both sides, look to, each other player is so big, won the ball can't rely on the body, but on the basic skill and technique. Only heard a whistle, "du" the ball has been thrown into the air, our team prepared Wang Zezhong leap, huge hands, hard blow, but still give away by the other players, but we struggle to defense, the ball in time and rob, on both sides of the basket ball travel for N times, but not into, in the first half score is only 2 to 2; Is not so ideal, but the second half because Wang Zezhong the main players in our class had a fever, so let YouJiaWei instead, although YouJiaWei running fast, but is quite short, to be defender, is only suitable for when a striker. So defensive task falls upon Wei Zihao and Guo Feng, but YouJiaWei as long as the ball to each other when diamond, two defenders also rushed up to, so as long as the other players rorty shot the ball, and immediately ran to the diamond of class, like nobody's business, and want to score goals and real defender to disarm him, though the players of our class together, efforts to pursue, the final score 24 more than 10, still lost in our class, what a shame! But as you can see the players in our class solidarity.

This is our class in the six basketball games only lost once, but the teacher said the class and (7) match is played in the basketball game in our class the best one. Every time I think about this story, still so fresh.








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