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2023-05-21 05:14:13




There are many helpful classmate in our class, they are like fiery zeal, always let a person cannot bear to refuse. The most enthusiastic and helpful is member of our class learning: xiao qing.

Xiao qing to grow fat, like a gentle big sister smiling all day. She often help classmates with difficulties. Once, when I was in tutorial, she found the back of the students won't do, so he went to the classmate asked what she would not do. The classmates tell her which falteringly. She listened to the patient to teach the students.

Xiao qing question question patiently taught her, tell her how to do it, why to do so. Finally, the students understood, slowly and write down the answer. She saw the students will write smiled happily. After I saw very touched, thought: "I would like xiao qing ready to help others, help the students."

Not only have the "good guys" xiao qing, there are many such "good" in our class.

One day, a male student in our class at recess time to see a book. He looked around and found no a man lost his book. Then, he picked up the book, around shouted: "who's book is this? Whose is this book?" Ask for several times, no one answered. He did not hesitate to take the book to the classroom, handed the book to the teacher. The teacher praised him, and said he didn't pick up the "gold". I don't think the students pick up the "gold" mei's performance lets a person admire, I must learn from him later.

There are many helpful classmate in our class, there is only one small thing is let a person feel warm. As long as everyone is to help the people around, our class will become a helpful class.











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