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2023-05-22 04:22:03




Lantern Festival, is one of famous festival, everyone no matter how busy you will spare some time to accompany family: the Lantern Festival, is the relatives and friends from all over the world come here to gather together with joy, eat a bowl of steaming dumplings, and I appreciate the sparkling in the night sky.

Traffic on the streets, everywhere decorated. Downtown around four broad bright lights on the road, the whole city is in the sea of light, there is permeated with festive atmosphere, we a walk in the garden, it's really comfortable!

Most worthy of striking, or that "not a flower is than the flowers so" fireworks. Jumped out, colorful fireworks, golden sand injection, bead proudly blooming in the air. Fireworks after the blast, a sparkling things fall down, just like with each color of shooting stars; After some fireworks blast is double, then become beautiful shape; After some blast is like the meteor shower, brush the ground to fall; And as the walls color rings of gold, and the sky become bright, some soup, the night sky and blossom a few beautiful flowers. They are of different shapes and colors, there are colorful all over the sky star, golden yellow dandelions, purple morning glory, red roses, pink rose, silver lily... And gorgeous. Open fireworks such as a ball, like snowflakes, like the meteor out, drag strips, the dark night sky according as the day, making yuanxiao nights become very beautiful, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, everything, purples, decorated the sky beautiful, graceful, like the day the earth radiation. "Tong!" The mountain rises and a full-bodied red ball of fire. It fly into the air, 1 of "pa", into thousands of tiny sparks, dragging a long, shining tail slowly down, like the flying butterflies, spin fall from the air; Dandelion is like the wind driveth away again, I do not know what is little devil, give their colorful color... "All pass!" "Before before!" Look! Each bright and colorful flame long tail, and racing, courageously upon the night sky; Look! There rises out of the "split", there appeared a "peacock"! A: wow! To see where the "bud"... The sky suddenly became a "flower" garden, "flower" of the ocean, resplendent and dazzing, I, how beautiful! The whole town to boil...

As the frequent explosion, people exclaimed, in praise, in the dim light of night, people also slightly raise your face the change of color, also the happy smile, they don't like pieces of beautiful fireworks!









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