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2023-05-23 04:43:02




New Year's eve, so busy! Busy people, put up couplets hanging pictures again; Chip, li crash firecrackers is like in the pan Fried sesame succession; Spluttered pa fireworks sound like the Beijing tiananmen square held a grand celebration, through the streets, and passed through the tall buildings, the dark night like the day. Home on New Year's eve everywhere permeated with a beaming spectacle.

Night falls! Waiting for my sister and I was glad to take out the "kaleidoscope". I took fireworks excitedly and lighters, preparing for my New Year's eve of the first plan, and let off fireworks. 10 all the fireworks at the sky, golden sand injection, bead proudly blooming in the air. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, everything, purples, decorated the sky beautiful, graceful, like the day the earth exposure. "Tong!" The ground rises again a full-bodied red ball of fire. It fly into the air, 1 of "pa", into thousands of tiny sparks, dragging a long, shining tail slowly down, like the flying butterflies, spin fall from the air; Dandelion is like the wind driveth away again, I do not know what is little devil, give their colorful color... "All pass!" "Before before!" Look! Each bright and colorful flame long tail, and racing, courageously upon the night sky; Look! There rises out of the "split", there appeared a "peacock"! A: wow! To see where the "bud"... The sky suddenly became a "flower" garden, "flower" of the ocean, resplendent and dazzing, I, how beautiful!

, at this moment, only to hear "when! When, when..." Starting the New Year's bell ringing, firecrackers, the seemed to be waving to say goodbye to the old year. Beautiful fireworks bloom everywhere, open in heaven, driving on the ground, also in people's hearts.

Oh, this is really an unforgettable on New Year's eve!









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