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2023-05-23 07:18:09




Snow, swirl to float down from the sky, as if countless butterflies fly, and like playing catkin gently, heaven and earth one integrated mass.

At noon, after lunch, I opened the curtains a look, ah, the view surprise me - heavy snow is outside, at this time I knew deeply the meaning of this idiom "snow". I looked out the window trance, come back, such as sight is another story. Still under the snow, on the roof, the branches, the roads are in cladding on a thick layer of snow. Outside was silent, as if only at snowflakes gently falling down, on a show, really like a vanity of build by laying bricks or stones jade silver kingdom. Like a thick carpet on the shop on the road, walk to send out the voice of "isalso", leaving a string of deep footprints. The world of ice and snow especially enchanting.

The children all came to the downstairs snowball fights, make a snowman. The laughter attract all the snow, their hair, stained with light snow at the end of the nasal tip. I was attracted to the downstairs. Hand and a piece of the snowflakes fell on my hand, fresh, soft, gentle, also very comfortable! Snow is hexagonal, is composed of many together at the end of the light snow, I do not know is the heaven of the gods have such a wonderful artical excelling nature of design.

Under the snow, is still a long time, like a pearl, crystal clear, like a goose feather, swirl, like fairies in the sky, naughty and lovely, like catkin, those from the sky...

At this time, I was reminded of the distant mountains, white snow covers the on the curve of the ups and downs and tender, will she turn white packaging. If you snow mountains, that would be like in the fairy tale world!

Snow, is like the wonderful music, deep feeling beautiful poem, brought happiness to the children, also let us enjoyed a most "snow".











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