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2023-05-25 02:19:04


导语: 您是园丁,为祖国山川添秀色;您如春雨,润育桃李,神州大地尽芳菲。在这喜庆的节日里,让我献上一支心灵的鲜花!那就记录下来,编写成英语作文吧。欢迎阅读,仅供参考的,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网的栏目!我心中的好老师英语演讲稿【篇一】

Dear teacher, dear students:

In the good life, I know lots of "gardener" among them, what impressed me most is a taught me four years of math teacher, her name is Chen, we all call her teacher Chen.

She probably has more than 30 years old, height is not high, has a black head of hair. Although she is in class is very serious, but after class inadvertently shows her sense of humor. Remember in a class, the teacher asked us a question Chen: "in the" pleasant goat and Wolffy ", what's your favorite sheep?" Some classmate say pleasant goat, some classmate say a lazy sheep sheep, suddenly, a classmate said: "I love our class Cai Yang overflow." Chen teacher say: "yes, Cai Yang overflow write beautiful in our class, and doing things is responsible earnestly, must be the best sheep sheep in the family."

Suddenly, the classmates all laughed. Chen teacher is very concerned about our, remember once, I feel very uncomfortable, Chen teacher saw my face red, just touch my head: "ah! Is bad, have a fever!" And immediately took out temperature measurement temperature, 38. 5 degrees, she quickly called my parents, parents took me to the hospital. Then she gave me the care let me feel the mother's warm, at that moment, I just want to stay with miss Chen. Now I'm in grade five, but Chen teacher in grade three. Although we met is not much, but Chen teacher's image has been deeply imprinted in my mind, that kind of discourse, humorous action also appeared in front of my eyes.

Thank you all, my speech ended!








Teachers, students, everybody is good:

He is the disseminator of knowledge, he is the cause of education. Night time, the desk lamp on the desk is still shining; The dawn, he runs in the way of work, his obscurity, his selfless dedication. Just because he's a teacher!

From kindergarten to primary school to middle school now. I've met many teachers, some kindly, some tough, some teaching devotedly, rigorous doing scholarly research. Each teacher's character is different, different age, the teaching method is very different. But they are committed, because they have a common goal: let all the students have ambition. As a force for our country in the future, it is your life more colorful!

Someone once said that the teacher like a silkworm, silent and spinning, the cocoon; , the teacher like a candle, burn yourself out to give light to others. But I think, the teacher like the lights on both sides of the road, long night, give me a bright; The life road, guide me direction! All say we are the flowers of the motherland, in fact, the teacher is hard gardener, careful to take care of us, carefully cultivate us.

Teacher, teacher, you with all the life effort to cultivate a batch of excellent national beams. To work day and night, age has left its traces in your face, moss has become white hair. But from you on the road of teaching for the interruption. Just because you are a teacher!

Parents gave us love, students love to us, and the teacher is like a mom and dad care about us as friends to understand us. Give our love is unique, and is irreplaceable. Just because he's a teacher!

Let's salute to the teacher!












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