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2023-05-25 03:49:05




Recently, I read a book called "the wizard of oz", feel is good.

This book is mainly about: a girl named dorothy is a tornado blew into a strange and wonderful country - the cheese, and lost the way home, where she met no brain scarecrow in succession, without heart of iron, and a cowardly lion, in order to realize their wishes, they help each other, hand in hand side by side, after disasters, meet many strange things. In the end, they with their extraordinary intelligence and indomitable willpower, are to achieve their wishes.

In this book, my favorite is dorothy, for her to take the bull by the horns, led the friends to defeat the evil witch, western rescue mans, gold, she is a girl full of justice in the sunshine. One of my least favorite is the cheese, because he cheats the people of the city for more than ten years, he had no power, but also with their own strength, no one can and. Although he is dishonest, but luckily he finally correct, and do their best potential to help dorothy and his friend's wish.

Through reading this book, I understand a truth that friendship is the most important, dorothy to save his dog, to stand up and fight with a lion, timid themselves is to protect partners, with a fierce tiger bear to hold, these examples all praise for the value of friendship, the friendship will give you help, the friendship will give you strength, beginning at the moment, to help others and make friends, let us also to feel the power of friendship!







Recently, I've just finished reading the book "the wizard of oz", the author through the breathtaking twists and turns of fantasy story, praised the good quality and love and help each other, for the ideal unremitting struggle spirit.

The wizard of oz said: beautiful good girl dorothy aunt and uncle Henry, amber live in Kansas prairie. One day, she scraped a tornado a strange and wonderful country - oz. There, she met a scarecrow in succession, iron the woodman and the cowardly lion, in order to realize their wishes, they help each other, hand in hand cooperation, make the grueling encountered many strange things. In the end, they with their extraordinary intelligence and indomitable willpower, get it.

Wrote: "rosie and her friends had a another ordeal, still have a strong belief in the" review of our life, think about it, how many families are only children, at the moment are mom and dad's eye, grandpa and grandma's "little princess" "little emperors". Is father, mother, grandma and grandpa do things for yourself, never don't have to do myself, also can't practice it, always can't do some themselves and seem, in a fairy tale book an already on a first grade of primary school children can't dress himself, using chopsticks, Eleanor, Mrs. Roosevelt said before: "meeting and start a relationship with a stranger, this is the most interesting in life." Probably a lot of people don't know the famous international diplomats, was shy as a child, so we should have the courage, the courage to cope with life.

Super jokes story

The wizard of oz, appeals to me is not just its gripping story, also I brought a lot of enlightenment, one of the most important thing is: everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages, to vigorous discovery, discover your strengths, confidence and expectations for ourselves. The scarecrow in the book expect to have a mind of wisdom; Iron a woodcutter wish you have a heart; The cowardly lion expectations they have courage and guts. And in fact the scarecrow in the state of emergency when brain than who are fast, can always come up with a clever idea; And iron the woodcutter is love "heart", always help others; The cowardly lion will be bold in danger, even dare to fight with a monster...

Man's greatest enemy is himself, if he broke the things they can't overcome, then you will be more and more will surpass yourself!

We should learn the protagonist, and vigorous struggle in order to realize their wishes.












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