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2023-05-25 06:08:01




In winter, I like white snow, and the like exquisitely carved statues made of ice, but my favorite is the messenger of winter: the plum blossom.

I love the plum blossom, because it is the most beloved sister winter girl. In the cold winter, everywhere is bleak, the plum blossom is winter girl only pride. The hard stems, beautiful petals, and the refreshing scent, brings infinite vitality to winter.

I love the plum blossom, because of its tenacious vitality. In the snow, "ice" baizhang cliff of season, a proud flower fade the plum blossom is the only thing standing in stem, branch, a warm bloom. When attendance after a snow, snow did not disappear, plum and red wrapping, smiling face to meet people, looks very handsome, is permeated with the youth vigor and joy. Yes, it is against the wind and snow, beat the cold. I love the plum blossom, because it has a great contribution to mankind. When people are poor appetite, it can make people's appetizing thirst; When people are in a bad mood, it can make people to disperse the depressed; It's bud can be used as a medicine, have extremely strong detoxifying effect... It silently dedicate himself for people, make people to live better and more happy!

I love the plum blossom, more because it is the symbol of the Chinese nation. Let the little poem I couldn't help thinking of wang anshi "corner several branch plum, ling2 han2 open alone. Distance is not snow, for a fragrance." Plum flower she not afraid of cold, the elegant noble image, has always been for the Chinese people's worship.

Plum blossom ranks first of "the plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum", and become one of the "poetic" age, the status of it.

The plum flower is beautiful, is pure, is a symbol of China. I love the plum blossom.











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