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2023-05-25 06:09:03




I like wintersweet flower "corner several branch plum, ling2 han2 open", the snow flutters, the aromatic shake down, and the flos mume is resists the snow, with its color, aroma and rhyme is independent of the earth. Flos mume is my favorite flower, because grandma particularly like the plum blossom, so I like that too. Our house is kind of several plum tree in the garden, with red berries, green plum, wintersweet, etc. In numerous clubs, wintersweet is my favorite. Its backbone bends, branches is a bit long, whole body covered with small thorn needle. Its leaves are oval in shape, color by shallow to deep, finally swirl down.

Flos mume is composed of a peach shape of the petals, it has neither the bluegrass as comely branches and no roses so gorgeous, but when the winter season, cold all green leaves, trees have all sorts of flowers also disappeared, flos mume is face, cold wind swept in full bloom, flowers coming out in the light fragrance, relaxed and happy making a person! My childhood grandma said to me, she likes flowers, there are many kinds of, one of the most like is flos mume. I am very curious, then asked: "grandma, flos mume delicious?" Grandma smiled and said: "silly child, flower which can eat ah! "Then why do you like the plum blossom?" I asked, my grandma said: "you see why the plum blossom in winter to open?

Because it is a daring to challenge the cold flowers, give a person a kind of strong power and strive forward. Grandma "was too small, also don't know, but this sentence has been in my heart. Now I finally understand, why grandma so like the plum blossom. I love the plum blossom, love it show of qing bone mass and upright character, I praise the plum blossom, praise its tenacious vitality. I think, the plum blossom is exactly what we perseverance of the Chinese nation, the spirit of tenacious struggle symbol!








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