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2023-05-26 02:06:04




"Like night of spring breeze comes suddenly, thousand trees critics, pear flower open". Over the years, my hometown, bijie, high-rise buildings have sprung up, streets clean and tidy, both in the urban construction and civic literacy earth-shaking changes have taken place. Take park in the centre of the city, for instance!

Remember when I was a child, every weekend mother to take me to play in the park. Into the park still need to buy tickets at that time. Is full of children playing in the park recreation facilities, children's songs, the child's cry of laughter, adult's call, to break out; Everywhere people discard the paper scraps, fruit and mineral water bottles; Odor to the water in the pond; The lawn trampled by people on both sides of the road have to bare; Only a small piece of pomegranate trees and greenish tinge.

Today's bijie park was converted into an open people's park. Varied, colorful plants and trees in the park, it is a big garden, the flowers bloom, full of green, no matter spring, summer, autumn and winter. Old gutter has become the favorite place - the pond. Set up on the pond zigzag bridge, the colorful brocade carp free play in the water. Children like best buy a pack of fish food into the pool, look at the fish crowded together for the panda. Park lane, people no longer throw garbage, not spitting. Everyone in the people's park to ride a bike, rollerblading, square dance, play Musical Instruments, very not happy... The residents in the city like to go for a walk in the park after supper. Because it's beautiful environment makes people relaxed and happy; The fresh air make the person spirit. After the walk, the exhaustion of a day of hard work has gone. Visible, how important beautiful environment for people's physical and mental health.

Development in city construction, people's habits are changing. Bijie, I believe, my hometown in the future, certainly can be more beautiful!









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