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2023-05-26 02:59:09




The plum blossom, the ancient one of the "four gentlemen", but she was thin as bamboo, pine much appearance, also like orchid fragrance.

"Corner several branch plum, ling2 han2 open alone; remote is not snow, for a fragrance." Branches pale green, plum blossom, ice in full bloom in early spring in the cold, as pure as Snow White, fragrant attacks. She didn't have the delicate and gorgeous peony, nor with other flowers to bloom. She is just the root deep in the earth, lonely "ren erdong southwest north wind".

"Thousands of wooden frozen to fold, solitary root warm back alone." I love the plum flower is the not afraid of cold, cold ling alone open of strong personality, more love her "spring-heralding so early" unwilling to lag behind the initiative.

In fact, the plum blossom is a spiritual symbol of the Chinese nation, it is our national most flowers of character, and it is a symbol of perseverance and perseverance, ohlendorf, unyielding spirit quality. "Plum blossom incense from Fairbanks to", the more cold, the more wind bully snow pressure, the spirit of flowers, yuexiu, also the more fragrant. Even "shattered crushes the yellow dust", but there is "sweet" circulation.

"Until the snowcapped, she stands in laughter." Upright character, the plum flower is dedicated in early spring quality tells us that things no matter how much difficulty, so long as has the perseverance, grasped the nettle of spirit and perseverance, is bound to be successful!










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