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2023-05-29 07:40:07




The earth is the place where we live, The earth is the place where we are full of memories; The earth is our warm home. The earth is our mother, because it is the mother, we are to protect her.

I see on the news, because we are going to cut down trees, excessive now have most of the areas into a desert oasis. Scientists once said that in addition to the earth without human survive ' 'second place. Shouldn't we let the earth destroyed, let human perish? We can't eye clank of looking at the earth destroy?

Therefore I thought of a way: "we have to save water every day, every year we have to hold the planting activities, only in this way can make our earth become more beautiful! Have you ever thought about what will you do when we lose the earth? Then we humans will cease to exist. After a spate of animals and plants will disappear. Isn't it?

This is my feeling, this is my dream, I think this should be the dream of people around the world, we have the same hope, is to make the earth become more beautiful! Let us together for the sake of our earth mother make a little contribution!






We are now the earth is too not beautiful, like a river, came home from school every day can see and there are rubbish, the facts will stink. And path, and every day I go out shopping or to buy other things, I can see the path there's a lot of rubbish, like garbage bags glass and plastic bags, all over the place. The deterioration of the environment and feel grieved, water pollution, dust, and all sorts of natural disasters are to remind us to protect the environment, if you don't understand the gravity of the environmental problems, understand the relevant laws and regulations of environmental protection, strengthen the consciousness of environmental protection, the earth will give us more punishment, so we should take good care of the environment, the protection and preservation of our home, do a guard to protect the environment.

Now, let us to protect their homes, and we don't throw rubbish every day, if littering, will lead to our earth will be become garbage, so, we don't litter. Stream of garbage, we must not throw the rubbish into the river, if throw garbage into the river, that we will soon have no water. That we wouldn't have to drink good water.

This "green" tell us, let us not to throw rubbish casually. We must protect our home!







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