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2023-05-30 02:18:03




A human mind singing out of the great epic, noble and humble, scary and funny, hero and harlequin wonderful mix, "Hamlet" was completed in 1601, is a Renaissance giants - the highest achievement of Shakespearean drama creation.

Hamlet is a very successful artistic image characterization, he is as real as every one of us, but our great. Hamlet is always a hero in my mind, a hero is full of tragedy beauty.

Cup with a profound beauty, cup with existing advantages is that it is not just to win people's a drop of tears of sympathy, but through the cup with the whole process of the formation, development and conclusion of serious thinking about the good life. Shakespeare's Hamlet is shaped by the artistic image and its characteristics, it is follow the cup with the characteristics of art, so that the shape of Hamlet has been a huge success.

In "Hamlet" the immortal plays, is always there, and a series of good and evil fierce conflict. As the main protagonist of the play Hamlet, his fate in the intense contradiction inevitably a maelstrom of conflict. As a prince Hamlet is Shakespeare as the typical of beauty of life, he is young handsome, bravery, his love for his country, his love for his father and mother, a beloved lover ophelia, can say, his life is in the life the most perfect moment. However, this is the perfect life time between the instant disappeared again, he is in a kind of what kind of environment? We see that the Danish court is a mess, old king died personality, new king and queen had remarried great enemy abroad, domestic public anger, explosive, and the palace is in the night to drink for fun, all this, are in young Hamlet cast a huge shadow, perfect life to make him unhappy, think but the world is "a barren garden, filled with evil ill weed", these have to be the life of the young prince into the cup.

With the emergence of old ghost, palace of insider revealed, exposed the murders, the prince is burning fire in heart, cup with the curtain pulled open... Deal with sinister treacherous new king Hamlet started alone revenge actions: in order to revenge, he accidentally killed the lover's father; In order to revenge, he lost love pretend crazy lover; In order to revenge, his mother of weak cold words relative to one another; In order to revenge, he endured the pain of losing friendship. Finally, in the court of a bloody duels, although he killed the sinister new king, but his life is to end in the palace of the "prison".

Before lu xun once said: "cup of life is to have something of value to see destruction." Prince Hamlet as a deeply loved by the masses, him have rectify the situation, governance, avenge the potential. But faces the represented by sinister treacherous new king of the powerful feudal forces, as one of the bourgeoisie humanist, he always put the close to the people's career as a personal hatred and alone, therefore, his tragedy is both good and evil forces in conflict, is also a humanist tragedy of The Times.

"Hamlet" the epic to me is vast and boundless strength and thinking...











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