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2023-06-01 02:05:03




20xx years December 31 is the day of the New Year's day celebration meeting in our school, we went to school happily.

Walked into the classroom, the first in my eyes is the TV on and colorful ribbons are hung on the tubes, the Windows with colorful balloons. The school playground with flags hung ribbons, also...

Celebration began, the first is our math teacher dressed up as Santa Claus appearance on the platform to us fly lucky paper planes, and then the small miao miao's classmates to join the young pioneers ceremony, finally the KFC image spokesperson qiqi with all students jump aerobics, the classmates all smile.

Fete activity began, I went to the second grade class to participate in the "nose" game, I saw some classmates to, some classmates stick onto the ears, and classmates on the wall, beside with classmates laughed. It was my turn, the teacher first covered my eyes, then I turned several rounds. Turn me feel quite schizophrenic, points less than north and south, east and west, I carefully took to the podium,, thought: "if the wrong, the classmates will laugh at me, forget it, willy-nilly, crustily skin of head, stick!" I just a labeled, only heard behind her a round of applause, I quickly, he found the place just right, without bias or crooked. I proudly walked out of the two, a class of classroom.

Fete activity is over, I had a good time, also very unforgettable, this activity add endless joy to my childhood.







Today, our New Year's day celebration meeting, because this is the last New Year's day we spent in the primary stage, so we all display their own specialty, let a person.

The program is rich and colorful. Have the flute, saxophone, hulus blowing, blowing, magic, opusculum crosstalk, songs, etc., are overwhelmed.

Vinny flute performance started, as soon as he blew the delicate little flute, the noisy students suddenly quiet down. Listen quietly. The flute is cheerful and melodious song, blow out the sound is very small, let a person have a kind of quiet feeling, then all of a sudden in full swing, let a person feel excited and happy. Vinny blowing, we listen, completely silent in the realm of music in my mind as if see the dense forest, appearing in the music the smell of a fragrance. Disappeared all of a sudden, forest, appear in front of us is a waves surging sea, the sea flower slapping on rocks everywhere to hear, also echoed with rumble...... . Suddenly, what all have no, we are focusing on see, the original is finished playing vinny. Suddenly, the whole class applauded the avalanche, the applause for a long time. Yes, vinny flute so nice, who in his body will not!

It's my turn to perform magic tricks for everyone - "wonderful card." I come up to a spectator literally draws a card, please remember, then I start looking, and had found the CARDS, all were astonished at the show I, after a few moments of quiet, suddenly with a roar of applause, have said is very surprised.

Later don't performed some sketch "sima guang hit cylinder", make whole. Laughing their heads off There are people who speak a "grass boat" con "arrow", let us understand a lot of knowledge, also performed the series - Beijing Ke qin, etc., are all very exciting.

On New Year's celebration is over, but my heart still stay in the New Year's day.










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