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2023-06-02 06:09:05




Diligence is the key to be useful. "Are frequently compensated with good training, a hard points to", only diligent, can get good grades.

Hua luogeng is due to the diligence, to become a famous mathematician.

Hua luogeng in jintan county, home is very poor in childhood, dropping out of school at home, very early to help his father miscellaneous shop for a living, but he never give up the pursuit of mathematics. At eight o 'clock every night, go home after good accounts, to study their favorite mathematics, often study late into the night. In this way, day after day, year after year's efforts, hua luogeng finally got a chance to, when in tsinghua university math department assistant, he is very cherish the hard-won learning opportunities, he like a duck to water, swam in the sea of mathematics every day, give yourself only five or six hours of sleep time, it is really hard to believe. Hua luogeng even developed after lights out, also can the habit of reading. He, of course, there is no specific function, is just a kind of logical thinking activity of the mind. Under the lamp, he took a book and look at the topic to think for a moment, and turning in bed, close the meditation, start, to solve the problem in your mind run into difficulties, then turn off the bed, open the book for a while. In this way, a book can see ten days, he you can finish it 2 days, otherwise can't sleep. Hua luogeng who is considered the unusual assistant. After studying so hard to learn, later, became a famous mathematician.

We learn from hua luogeng, in the later study, should be hard work, hard work, so as to achieve good results.






In my impression, there are a lot of people to study hard, but give me the deepest impression is Chen son.

Her original achievement is not very good, basic not firm, the composition, the problem of poor not your brain. Absent-minded in class. Homework word write a mess, stagger at home, in addition to do the homework, she is eating the play, play to sleep. She try so hard, the parents try so hard, the teacher try so hard, the more worry her. Teacher education, her parents encouraged her. Gave her courage.

From then on, she was determined to study hard. In class, his thinking, actively speak, accuracy is high. On one occasion, the teacher asked a question: "why pig eight quit to fell down four times."

She replied, "all monkeys at work"

The teacher said excitedly: "good, good, good, good!"

Do homework at home, she is busy, very neat. When reading a book, don't know to stop, often forget to eat, became a learn bookworms. Parents really see in the eye, like in my heart.

Once, they home to the guest. Mother told her to pour tea, she said: "wait" can be had for a long time, haven't pour tea. Mother nasty, then came and saw Chen jia son are absorbed in reading a book. He said: "forget it, or I go down!"

Ah, Chen jia son study really hard ah! Through her, told us a truth: nothing in the world is difficult if you put your heart into it.












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