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2023-06-04 06:43:08




A lot of things would happen in life, bitter, sweet and sour, all kinds of taste. You must have been to be misunderstood, the taste is a dummy eat huang2 lian2, have bitterness could not say!

On Friday, mother pick me up go home after talking with neighbor downstairs, I go upstairs and do my homework first. Began to do after I write the educational work to consider, but the problem is like an "obstacle" firmly in my mind, don't let me have a little loose. I frowned, racking my brains, but how also can't figure out the answer, I am very depressed, a face of sad face, hands dangling. Suddenly, my eyes a bright, "yeah! Computers are not well-connected? I can go to" consult "computer!"

I just open a computer, my mother came up, she saw I opened the computer, think I'm playing the game, face down suddenly overcast, wants it stared at me. I froze, this is the prelude to the storm, and sure enough that I expected, the mother cried: "you don't write my homework well, only know that playing on the computer, the computer is too good, don't you study, play computer every day!" I was the sudden wronged and roar loud cry. Suddenly I don't know what to do. In the face of mother roar loud, I was so helpless.

Mom please listen to my explanation, I'm not playing games, but to check information! Although I'm not after you agreed to open a computer, but I'm also urgently want to know the solution to topic! You also have to listen to my explanation to scold me.

So I have been misunderstood, can't tell the reason is called swept over. I'm sorry, misunderstanding is really uncomfortable. Don't do such a thing anymore.







My friends, you tasted misunderstood? If you don't try, just listen to me let go.

One day, I go back from my grandma's, I had just entered, eyeing up mom looked at me, I swallow a sigh of relief, an ominous sign came at my head on. Was not what I expected, the mother said angrily: "say! Five dollars go?" "Five yuan? Five dollars?" I puzzled to ask. "You don't be stupid, I know it must be you." Mother said firmly.

Then my tears kept to dirty, but mother doesn't sympathize with, have become ground to say: "are you out of leather with itching, want me to beat you with sliver to tell the truth, isn't it?" Mother looked at me ruthlessly said. "I didn't take didn't take!" I said confidently.

Mother has reached a limit, when he saw me also don't say "the truth" and darted towards me. I thought to myself, what is is life is death resignation. Stopped suddenly, the mother wanted to think, casually said: "as if you are not to take the lucky, just this once."

I'm standing in the thought, is that it? It's not fair.









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