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2023-06-11 05:47:02



一. 中学生对未来生活充满了种种幻想,并渴望能够实现自己的"梦想。请以“I want to be a/an……”为题,用英语写一篇80词左右的短文。要求在文中讲述你的梦想,以及你为什么有那样的梦想和你会通过怎样的努力去实现这个梦想。

答案:I want to be a teacher.

Everyone has a dream. My dream is to be a teacher. I was born in a family of teachers. My parents are both teachers. They work hard at their school and help many students go t o college. Some students say my parents are the best teachers in the world. I think they are great, so I wish to be a teacher.

I will study hard and follow my parents and try my best to get on well with everyone around me. I think there will be another great teacher in a few years: me.


要点:1.让客人和长辈先吃每一道菜;2、不要用筷子敲碗; 3、不要将手伸到饭桌对面(reach across)夹菜;4、等大家都到齐了,才开始吃;5、为主人的长寿、健康、成功干杯。


Dear Peter,

I’m glad to receive your e-mail. Now I want to tell you something about Chinese table manners.

In China the host or hostess won’t eat any dish until the guests and elders begin. You can’t tap bowls with the chopsticks. You shouldn’t reach across the table or in front of someone to get something to eat. You can’t start to eat until everyone is at the table. Also, you should toast longevity, good health or success of the host or hostess.

Welcome to China!


Li Li

三、 请以“I like the Internet”为题,写一篇不少于80词的文章,开头已给出。文章包括以下要点:1.可以上网查询信息,并能下载对自己有用的信息;2、可以收发e-mail,打电话;3、可以进行网上购物;4、因特网是自己的生活更加有趣、丰富多彩(colorful).

答案: I like the Internet

The Internet is playing an important part in our daily life. It is very useful. I often search the Internet for information. I can 下载)the information that I need. I can send e-mails and make telephone calls to my friends. If I want to buy something. I an able to go shopping online. The Internet makes my life more interesting and colorful. I like the Internet very much.. What about you, dear friends?




反对的理由:1浪费时间;2影响学习;3可能上当受骗(get/be cheated)



答案:Should students make friends online? Some people say yes. The Internet helps us make many friends. Chatting online, students can express their feelings and it is good for studying. However, some people think students shouldn’t. They say making friends online is a waste of time. And it is bad for studying. Some students may get cheated.

I think students should study hard, keep healthy. If they want to make some friends, they can make friends with their classmates and other people around them.

五.发明创造改变了世界,长大后你想当一名发明家吗?作为一名中学生你应该怎样做?请根据以下提示,以How to become an inventor?为题,写一篇80词左右的英语短文。 注意:1努力学习是基础;2兴趣是最好的老师;3有创新(creativity)精神;4持之以恒、永不放弃。

How to become an inventor?

Becoming an inventor is many people’s dream. Would you like to be an inventor? As a student, we need to do these things.

We must study hard, Knowledge is the basis(基础)。Interest is the best teacher. When we are interested in something, we will do it well, so we should have interest. Creativity is very important, too. We need to come up with ideas.

In a word, we should keep trying hard and never give up. Don’t be afraid to fail.




以端午为话题的作文 感谢什么作文500字 我的元旦生活作文 我的一家人作文400字 青春的色彩作文800字 只因有你作文600字 心中的太阳作文600字 开心的一天作文200字 家乡的冬天500字作文 家乡的春节作文300字 北京游记作文400字 沈阳高考语文作文 洒满阳光的记忆作文 关于青春的作文500字 欧阳修论作文翻译 我最喜欢的水果英语作文 关于写人的作文400字 以舞台为话题的作文 忧患意识的作文素材 爱是什么作文400字 三年级作文快乐的寒假 秋天的果园作文300字 苦难是金作文 青春与梦想作文600字 快乐的一天作文100字 我的家庭作文450字 加油向未来作文 作文评分标准及评分细则 未来的家乡作文400字 记一次活动400字作文