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2023-06-15 02:08:01



好友Jenny发来email, 邀请你到她家里过周末。 你很像见她, 可是事情太多不能去。 请给她回信。要点如下:

1。 表示感谢。 2。 婉言谢绝。 3。说明理由(3个以上) 4。 邀请她寒假到你家来。


I have to…

I am going to …

I want to …

I plan to…

如果有人生病,要去医院探望 应该是My grandpa is ill. 表示一直还没有痊愈。


Thank you for your invitation.=Thank you for inviting me to your party.

There is too much homework for me to do this weekend.

I have too much homework to do.


假如你叫李悦。 寒假将至, 你制定了下面的寒假计划。 根据表格内容, 以My winter plans 为题写一篇不少于80词的英语文章。 文章的开头已给出, 不计入总词数。


第一周: 完成所有的假期作业

第二周: 读一本关于找工作的书


第四周: 做一个关于所在城市最好电影院的调查

My winter plans

The winter holiday is coming soon. To have a meaningful holiday, I plan to do the following things…

句式多变一点, 表示打算的: I am going to/ I will/ I plan to/ I want to

寒假作业all my holiday homework/ all my homework in/ for winter holiday

动词搭配learn to cook

字数不足的人, 都重新写。适当拓展, 补充说明每一点计划的原因。


根据下面所给的提示写一篇60词左右的短文, 要求内容完整, 语言规范。

1. 接客上周五过生日。 2。 他邀请了我和一些同学参加他的生日聚会。 3。 我买了一

本书作为生日礼物。 坐地铁下午5::3到他家。 4。 杰克很高兴, 并很喜欢这个礼物。 5。 我们一起唱歌、跳舞, 玩得很高兴。

He invited some classmates and me to his party.

He asked some classmates and me to go to his party

He bought a book for him as his birthday present.的介词

We sang and danced together.的时态。

We had a good time at his party.

现在,越来越多的学生沉溺于玩电脑游戏。 请根据所给提示写一篇英语文章,说明玩电脑游戏的"害处。 字数: 80左右。

1.Spend learning time playing computer games.

2. be bad for eyes.

3. can’t communicate well with people in the real world.


章琳敏 王洲寅

More and more students are crazy about playing computer games. But it is harmful to play computer games too much.

It’s a serous problem.

It is a waste of time.

That makes them happy, but also makes their study get worse. We can’t have good grades without hard work.

Our grades will become worse and worse if we spend too much time playing computer games.

Some of them say they can have fun plying computer games, and some of them think it is interesting to play computer games. A lot of people love playing computer games, but it is not very good for us.

It’s not only bad for their study, but also bad for eyes. That’s why there are many students wearing glasses.

For example, more and more students have to wear a pair of glasses. That sounds terrible.

Wearing a pair of glasses isn’t very comfortable.

It will make our eyes tired to look at the screen.

Sitting for too long is also bad for our health.

We hardly talk to other people when we are playing computer games, so we will become dull. It makes us unable to communicate well with others.

They can’t find the differences between the people in the games and these in the real world. They can’t communicate with people in the real world because they don’t have enough time to communicate with others, even their parents.

We should keep a balance of playing and studying.

So we shouldn’t play computer games any more.

So we should stop playing computer games.

So we’d better not play computer games or spend less time on them.

Let’s play computer games at the right time.

假如你是李雷, 今年寒假要去参加由市共青团组织的赴澳大利亚“绿色之旅”冬令营(winter camp) 活动。 请你根据以下提示,写一篇在开营式上的自我介绍。 可以史昂拓展内容。 要求词数在60-80之间。 开头和结尾已给, 不计入总词数。


1。 出生于1996年5月11日。

2。 经常锻炼。 每天吃水果蔬菜,喝牛奶;很少吃垃圾食品。

3。 学校离家两公里;骑自行车上学。

4。 与好朋友Toby相比, Toby 比你高, 比你文静; 你更加外向, 聪明。

5。 新年打算: 努力学习, 取得好成绩; 学习拉小提琴。

6。 长大后想成为像姚明那样的篮球运动员。

I am very glad to introduce myself to all of you. My name is Li Lei. I was born on May 11th, 1996.

th(on the 11 of May, 1996) I often exercise. (do some exercise) I eat fruit and vegetables every day. And I also drink/ have milk every day. I hardly ever eat junk food. It is two kilometers from my home to school. So I ride a bicycle to school. (So I go to school by bike. At school, I have a good friend. Hi name is Toby. He is taller and quieter than me, but I am more outgoing and smarter / cleverer. I am going to work/ study harder next year and get good grades. I am going to learn ( to play) the violin. And I’m going to be a basketball player like Yao Ming when I grow up.

7. 周四: 期末测试(1)---考试用

为了交流学习经验、提高学习效率,《学生双语报》正在举办以 How to be a good learner为题的征文比赛。 请踊跃投稿。 字数80左右。

1. 课前预习。

2. 上课认真听讲。

3. 课后认真复习,并按时完成作业。

《学生双语报》正在针对“ How can you be a good child?”做调查, 假设你是李华, 请根据所给的问题写一篇文章, 写出自己的看法。 80字左右。

1. what should you do at school?

2. What can you do to help parents at home?

3. How can you show your love to your parents?




2018全国卷作文 我关爱他人作文 关于祖国的作文200字 作文写给十年后的自己 我的老师作文500 尊敬的老师作文 200百字作文 有关海鸥的作文 新学期的打算初二作文 我会编童话作文 好朋友作文开头 他也是我的老师作文 作文五百字大全 与环境有关的英语作文 成长作文 什么的味道作文700字 五年级作文运动会 同桌冤家作文 清明节有感600字作文 有关玩的作文 日语作文我的暑假 拾起记忆的碎片作文 妈妈的一天作文400字 家人睡觉的作文 在温暖的阳光里作文 学习雷锋的作文 开学第一课初中作文 黄山的风景作文 初中生话题作文题目 与我同行作文