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2023-06-15 03:19:03




The New Year, Spring Festival in my hometown, ice-sugar gourd, rice cakes, artillery, these gadgets are exclusive "specialty" in the Spring Festival.

New Year's eve morning, my mother and I are just been bombed. But is still happy, mother in the door with a Spring Festival couplets and me? "F" word is helping my mother.

Glue are ok, just want to stick on the door, mother hastened to stop me, and said: stick backwards, backwards, blessing! "Fu" should stick backwards! Said such good rimmon, listen to mama said, so I will "fu" character topsy-turvy, immediately as if don't want to snub "crawford" even for a moment.

In the evening, it's time to eat the meal. The guests all here. Filled with the aroma from the various dishes on the table. Grandpa also took out their most precious wine, it seems that is a good game! On all the food! Everyone is sitting at a desk, gladly with stink to taste the dinner together, a large family is happy, talking and laughing.

The most let me excited moment arrived. I have two big dreams since childhood: one is to sleep sleep to nature to wake, Secondly, several money hand cramps. As long as my face with a smile to grandpa, grandma, grandpa, grandma said a few words of auspicious words, money is rolling in. Really is: "money, blocking all stop wow. Ha ha!"

There is a good sing the words: "find time, find some free. Led the children go home often." The New Year to go home and have a look!








My hometown is a beautiful jujube township -- linze, she not only raise the kind-hearted linze county people, but also the unique cultural customs, hometown of the Spring Festival is a special holiday.

Every year in February, it is our most happy time, whenever at this time, we can have a lot of money to take to the streets with my father and mother.

The Spring Festival this year, mom and dad took me to go shopping. Just down the street, and I will be happy Spring Festival to apply colours to a drawing atmosphere. The streets here, traffic, very lively! As I see, a row of lanterns forms came into my eyes, a rabbit lamp, tiger lamp, lamp of cattle, mice lamp... They made perfectly, let a person see the smile. More interesting is the person who make lanterns is unique, use some high-tech means, not only make lanterns will move on, and also make all kinds of sound, as if standing in front of you is a live animal.

The Spring Festival, little of course not happy New Year! On the first day, dad took me to grandpa home New Year, comes in at the door, I saw a brand-new electric tricycle. It turns out that that's when electrical appliances to the countryside grandfather to buy electric cars. To earn money by selling vegetables my grandpa, but the ability to walk is not convenient, every day can only ride tricycles a trip to a trip back and forth. Well, with the electric tricycle, grandpa can be happy, he took my hand and said to me: "ling ling, you see now the party's policies. You've got to study hard and return the party and the motherland in the future." I call is nodding.

Reform and opening up brought great changes to the home country and, in the New Year, I in the heart secretly wish the rapid development of our motherland, my hometown will be more beautiful, the day of the people across the more prosperous!









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