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2023-06-21 05:46:04


导语:一年四季,我最喜欢的是秋季。 它虽然没有春季的生机勃勃,也没有夏季的热情奔放,更没有冬季的数九寒天,但它独有金色的奉献。下面是小编为大家整理的最喜欢的季节英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


My Favourite Season我最喜欢的季节

There are four seasons in a year. My favourite season is spring. In spring, the trees become green, and there are flowers everywhere. The birds come back from the south and sing happily all day. Everything comes back to life again. People take off their heavy winter clothes and put on their light clothes.





My favorite season我最喜欢的季节

My Favourite Season The climate in our country is very pleasant. Its always warm in spring, hot in summer and cold in winter. My favourite season is autumn, because its always warm in September and October. Its often cold in November. Its certainly interesting. The other reason is the days are short and the nights are long. The sun rises late and sets early. I can do my favourite things in the evening. Autumn is a harvest season. I can make great progress in autumn. I like the golden season, and you?



My favorite season我最喜欢的季节

If you ask to me favorite season? I to say: my favorite season is fall. Because fall is cool and windy but isn't too hot and too cold. I like reader relaxed and happy feeling. The climate is cool and pleasant in autumn, not so hot in summer nor so cold in winter. Autumn is the harvest season, golden rice in the paddy fields are ripe. Under the rays of the Sun in a piece of gold, Maple fell on a piece of Red Maple leaves, dancing in the air like a beautiful butterfly. moreover fall will come, farmers can harvest theirs "fruits of lador" The most exciting still can eat many tasty fruits. Such as: oranges, mangos, bananas, apples, pears…

Autumn is a beautiful, happy! I like autumn.

Listen to my introduce, do you know why I like fall?



My favorite season我喜欢的季节

Spring is my favorite season. In spring days, everything comes out. While you are walking outside, your eyes will be filled with green.


In spring days, our world is a sunny place, which is covered with green trees and colorful flowers, so it can be described as a paradise. Especially when you are in the countryside, you can see green mountains, vast fields, clean streams, and all the living creatures, coexisting harmoniously. All of them make up the most beautiful picture in the world.


In spring days, the sun shines brightly, and there's also some pleasant breeze. So how charming it is while feeling the spring wind blow us. It's also wonderful to enjoy the beautiful sunshine. You will also get a lot of refreshments while having a walk outside.


I hope we can enjoy the life of spring every day.






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