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2023-06-26 07:12:25


导语:写信应注意以下几点: 1.要准确掌握信的格式。写信是有一定格式的。下面是小编带来的"有关写信的英语作文的万能句子,欢迎大家阅读!

1. 在信的开头常用语:

How are you?

How are you getting on recently?

How are you getting on along with…?

How time flies!it s three months since I saw you last.

How nice to hear from you again .

I’m glad to have received your letter .

I’m pleased to hear that you are coming to China for a visit .

I’m writing to express my views about…

Let me tell you something about the activity.

I’m writing to you about the lecture to be given next Monday.

How nice to hear from you again.

Thank you for you letter.

I have received your letter of July 2oth.


Best wishes .regards to you!

Good luck to you!

With best wishes. With love.

I’m looking forward to your reply.

Looking forward to hearing from you??

Wish you good health and happiness.

Wish you success. Wish you the best of health/luck.

Wish you a pleasant journey.

Give my best regard /wishes to you .

Please remember me to your whole family.

Expecting to hear from you as soon as possible.

We are waiting for your good news.

I hope to receive your early reply.


1:Many thanks for your nice present and valuable advice.

2; Allow me to express to you my warmest appreciation for the many courtesies you extended to me during my last visit to London.

3;It was kind and generous of you to do this for me,and I appreciate it more than I can say .4;With many thanks to you for entertaining me so generously.

5;Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for your letter and for your kindness to me during my long illness.

6;Indeed I do not know how to express my appreciation for your valuable services.

7;I am greatly indebted to you for trouble you have gone to on my behalf.

8;I fully appreciate your warm cooperation and encouragement in my research work. 

9;I am grateful for your kind wishes for my success.

10;We express our sincere and hearty thanks for the favors you have done for us.

11;It will give me much pleasure to do whatever I can in return your favour.

12;Please accept our warmest thanks for what you have done for us.


1;I am sorry that I had to cancel our appiontment yesterday.

2;I sincerely hope the postponement of our meeting did not bring you much inconvenience. 3;I am sorry indeed to have to refuse your requst as it is quite beyond my power to do so. 4;I am sorry that I have delayed answering your letter.

5;I must apologoze for my delay in answering your kind letter.

6;I am sorry to have put you to so much trouble.

7: Please accept my apology for my not keeping promise.

8;Excuse me for my being late for the meeting yesterday.

9:Please excuse my delay in not replying to your kind letter.

10;I am very ashame of myself, and hope you will forgive me.

11;I am really regretted at not having your delightful party last evening.

12;Regretting that it is entirely out of my power to grant your request.


1;Hope to hear from you soon(as early as posible)

2;Thanks again for writing about....

3;Please give my love /wish/regards to

4;I hope to hear more news about.....

5;I;m praying for your soon recovery.

6;Take care of yourself.

7;I'm looking forward to your early(favorable) reply.

8;Thank you in advace.

9;Please remember me to your family.

10;Do please write and let me know how you are getting on.

11;As the season grows colder,I hope you will take good care of youreslf.

12;I hope you keeping quite well.

13;I hope you and your family are very well.

14;I shall feel obliged by a reply at your earliest convenience.

15;An early call or reply would be greatly appreciated.

16;I hope to see you soon ,and tell you all what I would otherwise write.

17;Best wishes for your health and every happiness.

18;You have my best wishes for continued and increasing success.

19;I do hope that you and your family are in good spirits and robust health.




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