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2023-06-29 05:19:02




The weather of today is very comfortable, though the weather forecast said it is cloudy, but just a little bit rain, very cool.

The weather forecast said it is cloudy, and friends about to play basketball, but unfortunately, in the rain can play. Afternoon after the rain stopped to help my mother to buy food supermarket. Generally bad mood today.




the weather was so bad today as well as my mood. i failed in my test and was scolded by my teacher. i was so upset because i had try my best and spent a lot of time doing exercise. to make things worse,it started to rain when the class is over. i stared at the gray sky,wondering whether i should to run in the rain. suddenly, someone patted my shoulder. i turned back immediately and find it was my best friend. saying nothing,he give me his umbrella with a smile. i felt so moved and warm.



7月21日 雨天



July 22, cloudy

Today I got up early in order to wait for the legend of the total solar eclipse was visible. Why is the legends? Because not seen.

But from 7:30 a.m. start raining, I was depressed. Ok just online see the news experts say YinYuTian look more like shock, total solar eclipse was visible because originally clouds and thick, plus the dark sky will total solar eclipse was visible.


Today is a rainy day. I think i'm very lucky because i bring an umbrella this morning.


In the afternoon,our sport check cancled because of the rain. We are very happy.


When i came home,i found my clothes get wet.



After a few downpours, the school campus has become a world of water. Heavy as well as dense, the rain seems just like a enormous white curtain hanging from the sky to the ground. While walking in the street, only things within meters can be seen in our sight.


As the rain patting the old trees, all the dust was wiped away in no time, making them younger than ever. Everything is green, and green is flowing everywhere. The grass straightens their little limp body with enough water supply; the red Kapoks in the front gate were darkened, just like a burning flames high in the trees.


Someone may complain about the dampness and uncomfortableness of such weather. Indeed, everything feels wet. I believe if you stretch out and squeeze the air, there may be water trickling from you hand! Someone sighs at their forever-wet clothes, praying it will never rain tomorrow. As we walk we can feel the vapor, cool and fresh , or damp for someone who dislike this kind of weather.


Despite of its dampness and uncomfortableness, I still love rainy days, because it brings me a piece of calmness, with its harmonious concerto and refreshing cool feelings. Everything is cleaned in and out, the oxygen is pumped in multiply. As I’m listening to the concerto if spring frogs, I felt into my sweet dreams within seconds.





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