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2023-07-21 02:16:13



1.面积- - - cover an area of - - - square kilometers/square meters

2. 说- - -很重要 play an important part/role in- - -

3. 喜欢- - - be fond of- - -/ go in for- - -

4. 谈人口/人数有- - - have a larger/smaller population of - - -

5. 过去是- - - used to be- - - / There used to be

6. 据说- - - It is said that- - - / It is thought that - - - / It is believed that - - -

7. 时间飞逝。How times flies. / As times goes by, - - -

8. 很重视- - - pay much attention to- - -/ take great care of - - -

9. 对- - -有损害 do much damage to- - -/do harm to

10. 求职信的结尾:Please give me a chance, and I am sure to return you a great surprise.

11. 代我向- - -问候:Please give my regards to- - - / Remember me to- - -

12. 带- - -逛一逛:show - - - around

13. 下决心做- - -:make up one’s mind to do sth. / be determined to do

14. 盼望:look forward to sth./doing sth.

15. 感激- - -: be grateful to- - - / appreciate one’s help / can’t thank you enough

16. 对- - - 感兴趣:have/take an interest in

17. 能胜任——:be fit for the post

18. 有句俗语说得好:As the old saying goes,

(East or west, home is best. / Knowledge is power

Where there is a will, there is way. / All roads lead to Rome.

Practice makes perfect. / Failure is the mother of success.

No pains, no gains. / Health is better than whealth.

19. 认为- - -好极了, think highly of - - - / sth. can’t be better

20. 为- - -树立了榜样 set a good example to




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