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Festivals around the world英语作文

2023-07-23 02:53:06

Festivals around the world英语作文


【作文一】话题:节日(Festivals around the world)



1历史悠久。2 中国人独有的传统节日。 3 家庭团圆。4 共进晚餐。 5 吃月饼。 6 赏月。

要求: 1 词数100左右。2 可适当添加细节。3 开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Mike,

I’m glad to know that you are coming to China with your parents and spend the Mid-Autumn Day here.

The Mid-Autumn Day is a traditional festival with a long history which is celebrated only by Chinese people. It falls on August 15th of the Chinese lunar year, when people of a family get together and enjoy the dinner together. After that they eat mooncakes, which stands for the spirits of the festival-unity. Often if the weather permits, they will go out of the house to enjoy the bright moonlight, talking about something pleasant. It is one of the most important festivals for Chinese people.

I wish you a pleasant journey and I’m sure you will like our traditional Mid-Autumn Day. Yours, Li Hua

【作文二】话题:节日介绍( Festivals around the world)


1. 端午节是中国的传统节日,在每年的农历五月初五庆祝;

2. 有关端午节的起源的`传说很多,但被人们普遍接受的说法是为了纪念爱国诗人屈原;

3. 屈原是我国战国时期著名的诗人和爱国者,他为了自己的国家投江自尽;

4. 当地的居民匆忙地划船在江内寻找屈原,并将米投入江中来喂鱼群,以免它们会吃掉屈原;

5. 后来就渐渐地演变成人们在每年的这个时期赛龙舟、吃粽子的习俗。

Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese festival, which is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth Chinese lunar month.

There are many legends about origins of this festival, but it is widely accepted that it is held in memory of the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan, a famous poet and patriot of the Warring States period, committed suicide by drowning himself in the river for his country. The local people, out of respect for him, rushed into their boats to search for him while throwing rice into the river to feed the fish so they would not eat Qu’s body. This later developed into the custom of holding dragon boat races and eating zongzi.

【Festivals around the world英语作文】



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