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2023-07-25 07:02:11


导语: 英语(English)是印欧语系-日耳曼语族-西日耳曼语支下的语言,是国际指定的.官方语言(作为母语),也是世界上最广泛的第一语言,也是欧盟以及许多国际组织和英联邦国家的官方语言,拥有世界第三位的母语使用者人数,仅次于汉语和西班牙语母语使用者人数。下面是小编为你带来的 英语植树节作文,欢迎阅读。


in many countries it has long been the tradition to hold an annual tree or forest festival. the origin of such celebrations dates back to antiquity and is in the dawn of religious feeling and awe for what trees represented. however, arbor day, as it is commonly known today, is of american origin and evolved from conditions peculiar to the great plains. it was first observed in nebraska in 1872.

the idea, conceived by j.s. morton, then a member of the nebraska state board of agriculture, was one of forest conservation. it was a move to promote replanting, following deforestation, and to plant up treeless areas. the idea has spread widely to other lands where it is variously celebrated as the ‘festival of trees‘, ‘greening week‘ of japan, ‘the new year‘s days of trees‘ in israel, ‘the tree-loving week‘ of korea, ‘the reforestation week‘ of yugoslavia, ‘the students‘ afforestation day‘ of iceland and ‘the national festival of tree planting‘ in india. arbor day in its various forms is now recognised in more than fifty countries.


Planting Trees Day comes on March 12 every year. Do you know what can we do to help on the day?

In China, Planting Trees Day is on March 12. This special day began in 1979. On that day, people can plant many trees. And if we plant trees more, we must also take care of the trees by watering them until they grow up to be strong. In different countries, Planting Trees Days are on different days. Like in India, Planting Trees Day is on July 1.

Why do the people plant trees? It is very easy. Because they want to protect the environment. There are many people who want to earn the money form only cutting down trees. So more and more trees are cut by them. But kind people want to protect the environment and make the air clean. So they plant trees as many as they can.

All these actions show that people should pay more attention to the environment. We want to make it better, don’t we? So we must plant more trees to protect the environment.

So, everyone, if you want to make the air clean, please try your best to protect the environment and plant more trees.


The first Arbor Day took place on April 10, 1872 in Nebraska. It was the brainchild of Julius Sterling Morton (1832-1902), a Nebraska journalist and politician originally from Michigan. Throughout his long and productive career, Morton worked to improve agricultural techniques in his adopted state and throughout the United States when he served as President Grover Clevelands Secretary of Agriculture. But his most important legacy is Arbor Day.

Morton (photo, right) felt that Nebraskas landscape and economy would benefit from the wide-scale planting of trees. He set an example himself planting orchards, shade trees and wind breaks on his own farm and he urged his neighbours to follow suit. Mortons real opportunity, though, arrived when he became a member of Nebraskas state board of agriculture. He proposed that a special day be set aside dedicated to tree planting and increasing awareness of the importance of trees. Nebraskas first Arbor Day was an amazing success. More than one million trees were planted. A second Arbor Day took place in 1884 and the young state made it an annual legal holiday in 1885, using April 22nd to coincide with Mortons birthday.

In the years following that first Arbor Day, Mortons idea spread beyond Nebraska with Kansas, Tennessee, Minnesota and Ohio all proclaiming their own Arbor Days. Today all 50 states celebrate Arbor Day although the dates may vary in keeping with the local climate. (State Arbor Days) At the federal level, in 1970, President Richard Nixon proclaimed the last Friday in April as National Arbor Day. Arbor Day is also now celebrated in other countries including Australia. Variations are celebrated as Greening Week of Japan, The New Years Days of Trees in Israel, The Tree-loving Week of Korea, The Reforestation Week of Yugoslavia, The Students Afforestation Day of Iceland and The National Festival of Tree Planting in India. Julius Sterling Morton would be proud. Sometimes one good idea can make a real difference.




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